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Aquarius New Moon – 27/28 January 17

All is well.  Step back.  Pull your head out of your concerns for a moment and see afresh what you have been looking at, without pre-concepts, expectations or judgements.  THAT is freedom! Please go for the gist of what is written, applying it to your life where it seems relevant. If you are not fluent […]

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Capricorn New Moon – 29 December 16

We know what works when we have tried, and learned from our experience; until that time, we have no idea how things will turn out – perhaps not even then. The courage to experiment like this comes from trusting the spirit.   Please go for the gist of what is written applying it to your life where it […]

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Scorpio New Moon – 30 October

Celebrate spirit as the deep rich truth of all creation – weep with compassion – and rejoice for love. Scorpio – hidden depths being revealed .       I just found this rhyme on the website of the astrologer, Kaypacha, from Hawaii. Behind the face I show the world there is another me The […]

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Libra New Moon – 30 Sept./1 October

Connection builds bridges, rather than burning them – listen and love Mediation – Libra with muscle! .       This is another month when we are prone to misunderstanding or confusion (Saturn square Neptune). But, as long as we consider how best we can work together, our intuition will serve us well (Sun/Moon sextile […]

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Leo New Moon – 2 August 16

Is the fault in the stars, or in ourselves? .       The chart of any New Moon seems to suggest the astrological weather for the month.  We tend to experience this emotionally, but the triggers are just what’s going on during that time.  That is to say, we tend to react to whatever’s […]

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