Gemini New Moon – 13 June 2018

Take space/time before you act,
acknowledging what you enjoy about other people.

Please go for the gist of what is written, applying it to your life where it seems relevant –
the bracketed italics are just to let you know the astrological basis for the words.

Gemini likes at least two of everything . . .

.       This month, it’s not clear how to go ahead. There are too many options, plus’s and minus’s in each direction. Gemini needs variety to continue its movement, so perhaps the best way forward is to maintain at least two options as future possible paths. Sometimes a gentle oscillation between two jobs, or two homes, allows for unfolding situations to show their potential more clearly. And sometimes one needs to follow one’s deepest yearnings, asking for angelic blessing for the good of all (Jupiter trine Neptune). Eventually we may be offered something we would never have thought of at the beginning. So be prepared to try out whatever appears.

.       We will be examining all kinds of emotional responses to our actions, and those of others we are involved with (Mercury just into Cancer, Venus about to leave Cancer). Our difficulty could be that we see the damage we could do others by claiming our own needed space (Mercury sextile Uranus and square Chiron) and we feel for them because we know how it feels to be hurt by another person’s actions (Venus trine Chiron and square Uranus).

Everyone can benefit from a ‘right’ decision

.       The first two weeks possibly bring solutions through enjoyment of each other’s company, being ourselves in a friendly warm way (Venus through Leo over North Node). But what we may be dealing with is those sudden reactions to feeling trapped by others’ dependency on us, or even our own dependency on them (Venus in Leo travelling opposite Mars on the Aquarius South Node). We need to acknowledge our feelings, have compassion for having the problem, but choose care-fully how we behave. Whatever our desires may be, if the best outcome for all concerned is our intention, we draw the blessing of the universe. Taking time out, giving surprise gifts, doing something completely different from usual – there are lots of ways to use the energy of this time without hurting anyone directly. If they then feel hurt, it is their business not ours.

From 28 June . . . emotional, but clearer

.       The full Moon on Saturn in Capricorn should indicate the way things are moving, showing the area of hard work that is necessary to cultivate your plans. You will be able to see their value in the wider community (Moon/Saturn quincunx North Node) and this will inspire your efforts (Venus quincunx Neptune). We may well feel more positive about the future in this second half of the lunar month but still need to take care not to expect others to be on board with us straight away (Mercury into Leo trine Chiron, but opposing Mars).

.       Mars in Aquarius is energy that will not be pushed around or manipulated, but needs free expression. The way to harness it is to aim for activities that benefit the whole. If we share our joys and problems, this month should be an enjoyable time (Venus into Leo and over North Node).

Here’s Kaypacha again, wise advice for Mars in Aquarius
moving to and fro over South Node this next few months:

‘I feel the energy rising,
Like a volcano I could blow,
But my job as a conscious loving person,
Is to heal, not hurt those I know.’


Contemplation for this New Moon in Gemini

The eye of a worldly storm
is a place of deep inner reflection.
There you are joined by every being
resting in sweet joy and peace.

The world may be stormy all around you,
but the space deep inside contains it all
in perfect love and compassion.
You are loved always.

2 Responses to Gemini New Moon – 13 June 2018

  1. Kaaren Whitney June 13, 2018 at 7:10 am #

    Brilliant, Margaret, utterly brilliant!

  2. Kate June 20, 2018 at 8:38 pm #

    Very helpful at a difficult time, enables me to work in a thoughtful way. Have re read several times already, x thankyou

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