Every morning reassures us that the Light always returns. _____________________________________________________ Dear friends, . Like most people I meet, I am under pressure to let go of something out of date, and embrace something I’m not sure about. This is ‘growth’, so putting anxiety to one side, I am going forward – carefully. […]
Archive | New Moon
Scorpio New Moon – 13 November 2023
Receiving Light into your darkest corners brings Light into the world. _____________________________________________________ . This New Moon in Scorpio is calling us to recognise that our own deep experience is part of the wave of cosmic energy that Earth is subject to just now. The boundaries are thin, so we can feel what’s […]
Libra Solar Eclipse – 14 October 2023
Rethink, re-group, prepare – the waterlily will bloom in Time. . On 14th October, the Moon eclipses the Sun completely, the eclipse shadow crossing most of the American continent. Considering that some eclipse shadows cross only the sea and a few islands, this one is pointing at a time of importance for […]
Virgo New Moon – 15 September 2023
Trust your spiritual wings – and fly. Virgo – task setting, training and healing . The chart for this New Moon in Virgo is interestingly similar to last month’s in that the outer planets are in much the same positions, but the position of Mercury and Mars in August (linking with that […]
Leo New Moon – 16 August 2023
True self-love stabilises, and extends as love for others. _____________________________________________________ Firstly, Venus retrograde – death of our habitual relational identity . The run-up to this New Moon in Leo has been a death and re-birth of our capacity to love, both ourselves as we really are, and others as they really are. […]
Cancer New Moon – 17 July 2023
Happiness is assured – only when we can create it inside. _____________________________________________________ . . . in a nutshell . . . . The last weeks may have been drawing our attention to just how much the body retains our reactions to past events we were unable to integrate at the time. This […]
Gemini New Moon – 18 June 2023
Accept: life is what it is, you are how you are, and life loves you. To be in the world but not of it . Now is the time to garner our earthly experience from the last year and a half. It will serve us to rest back into Earth and listen for […]
Taurus New Moon – 6 May 16
Taurus – organic growth, inexorable . This month, the normal earthy force of Taurus is heightened and made more urgent than usual (Sun/Moon and Mercury all trine Pluto). This feels like the pressure to do something as though it were a matter of life or death, which it generally isn’t, but […]
Aries New Moon – 7 April 2016
Aries – the first breath of new life With this New Moon, there is a pull towards personal freedom, aware that we have our own desires and a unique path (Sun/Moon on Uranus). We generally want freedom only when we feel trapped. When free, we simply are, we just do; only when not able to […]