Aries New Moon – 12 April 2021

Past and future have no place here – be awake!

Aries – passionately reactive, delightfully honest – and in your face!

.       I am often reminded by my experience that, when I am feeling confused and can’t focus properly, cleaning my glasses makes a huge difference. And perhaps this is a suggestion as to what we can do when confused by situations and events. The question is how to ‘clean the glasses’?

.       Perhaps first take a look at what emotional reactions might be clouding your view, without worrying about what’s triggering them – what emotions you feel in fact, not what they may be about. Being compassionate to oneself could equate to huffing on the glasses – it’s less painful to clean our reactions out of the view if we refrain from criticising ourselves for being reactive. Then take another look at the situation or event or person, with a clear and compassionate mind – clarifies things wonderfully, opening us to examining other opinions and having meaningful conversations with those we love.

Guiding your boat through rapids – be awake!

.       Finding personal clarity is very important this month with so much Aries energy, because we are likely to be discussing how communities ‘should’ be run in difficult times, what’s really important from a human point of view, and including climate, resources, and the earth herself living through these turbulent times (Mars in Gemini trine Jupiter in Aquarius, while squaring Neptune). Personal freedom of movement and choice, and ‘freedom of speech’ are big issues (Sun/Moon/Venus in Aries squaring Pluto).

.       The freedom to follow personal desires becomes more of an issue as the month continues, because there is a flavour of expansion, possibilities hovering to be explored, opportunities to be taken, while control and limitation are still strong (Sun/Moon/Venus in Aries sextiles Jupiter, while Saturn continues to square Uranus). The Full Moon chart draws attention to the freedom end of this dichotomy (Sun and Venus joining Uranus in Taurus) with emotions running deep and strong (Full Moon in Scorpio). And in late April, there will be a wave of truly caring energy flowing over and through us all (Mars trines Jupiter, and goes into Cancer on 23 April).

‘Go forward lovingly.’

.       I generally only look at the traditionally used planets and Chiron, not all the cosmic bodies discovered more recently, but I do notice that the New Moon on 12 April has just passed nearby asteroid Ceres, and distant dwarf planet Eris is just ahead – it’s quite a tight conjunction. Ceres is a representation of the earth mother, caring, nourishing and abundant, and Eris is an outsider, watching from far away and throwing an Aries spanner in the works to provoke people’s real characters out of hiding. So this whole month, as we make our way through current situations, could be focusing us on finding out what we and others really think and feel beneath the facades.

.       During late April, around the Full Moon, there may be surprising changes for us to navigate (Ceres crosses over Eris focusing those two principles in the same area, just as Mars enters Cancer). We will need to own up to our truth at the same time as putting our ‘small stuff’ out of the way, in order to apply the caring quality of Cancer where it is most needed. We will always be well repaid for practising taking responsibility for how we feel and, rather than reacting from our personal emotional standpoint, remembering to respond from the heart to what’s here.

.       I have natal Sun in Aries and I love free movement, so my latest personal directive is to ‘go forward lovingly’. I find fear and its attendant confusion disappear with those words, and I think we would all do far better going forward without fear.


Contemplation for this New Moon in Aries

The stream of possible futures meanders invitingly
who knows what’s around the corner.
We hear water running over and around –
is this the moment to launch the boat?
Reach in . . . and we are swept away!

These are exciting times
though fear would put it differently.
Above all be present, awake and responsive.
There is no time to wonder ‘if’
or contemplate ‘if only’ –
past and future have no place here
only the spray in our face
and balance and steer.
Bring with you only your heart, and trust
that all is as it needs to be . . .

One Response to Aries New Moon – 12 April 2021

  1. angela hoskins April 12, 2021 at 6:14 am #

    thank you Margaret, for such a wonderful account of aries new moon. I found what you said so interesting and helpful, negotiating this part of going forward and our situations. I love the words you ended with and found them very encouraging. To use the word exciting though fear would describe it otherwise, is a great way to look at it! you’re very poetic way of describing the spray and our faces and z past and future have no place here., was inspirational. much love

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