Anywhere in you that is gripping on, let go kindly,
and teach that place to trust.
(don’t worry about the astrology, go for the gist)
Dear friends,
. We are in the midst of the upheavals that arise from the state humanity has created, and lead to the next stage of our evolution. I don’t suppose the caterpillar receives an understandable description of what will happen in the chrysalis, but whether or not she understands is not material to her creating that space for transformation. Humanity has, willy-nilly created itself a chrysalis, and the melt-down is happening. I hope to express attitudes to maintain inner equilibrium, trust and joy – with love. Thank you for reading.
Let communication connect, not divide
. This New Moon follows just after a kind of storm washes away the past. So by the time you read this, much of what you may have been holding on to, or what has hung onto you, will have changed. By this New Moon you may be feeling uncertain of you really are, or ready to explore new but still wondering what just happened (Mercury on Pluto at the start of Aquarius, no aspects). Space we need, yes, but how do we identify ourselves without connection? The answer is through communicating our experience as best we can, communicating from our finer human nature, and our true human needs (Aquarius Sun/Moon trining – speaking through – Jupiter in Gemini). One of the beauties Gemini expresses is freedom of movement, especially in the world of ideas and thoughts, so we can ask for information when we don’t know, and listen to whatever we hear – recognising that everyone speaks from their own perspective. This gives rise to outlooks that vary, and may seem faulty to one another. But even AI has to interpret the information it finds in order to create those easy-to-understand sentences, and that interpretation can be faulty even with AI.
. All this means a lot of ideas floating around – let’s give more space to the positive when we speak about the future, because the words we use shape the way the future appears. And when we speak about the past, let’s remember that our conditioning shapes our memories. We need to learn from the past how things become destructive, so that our future attitudes and actions are properly informed. What we don’t learn from, is only valuable if it raises our spirits, so better let it go.
Planets and energy
. While all that’s going on, there is a strong emotional undercurrent, which is perhaps the major theme for the next few months (Mars in Cancer trine Pisces). As each planet in Pisces is energised by this contact, the principle it represents is made more noticeable: first Saturn – the old ways, habits, and wisdom gained from experience; next Venus – how we relate and our personal values; then Neptune – the sense of dissolution and possibly loss; and lastly the North Node – perhaps humanity getting a better line on the deep connectedness of all things. Each principle in turn will be brought to the front of our experience.
. This all happened, in the order given above, during October last year. Then since early January, the energising has been in reverse order (as Mars appears to move backwards), completing with the connection to Saturn just before the Full Moon on 12 February, when we may be feeling for a source of relevant wisdom for the future. We have a respite from this pressure for the rest of this month, and the last push through will be from early March. The process completes during April beginning in the early part of the month and finishing in a crescendo of water and fire signs by the end of April (Mars trine Venus, Saturn, North Node, Mercury, into Leo to trine Neptune in Aries and oppose Pluto in Aquarius by April 28th).
The part we play
. It’s not important to follow all this, just to know that there is more energy than we usually handle on the emotional plane. What is important is to be centred in our own experience, so that our core stands firm, and we are not washed around or uprooted from our deeper values and connection to our love of this Earth. We can rest on knowing that this is an enormous coming together of energies in relationship with each other, none of which is man-made. It’s been waiting in the wings for the Earth to go through for as long as planets have orbited the Sun.
. What happens on Earth will reflect the pattern in our sky, by expressing the energy in whatever way has evolved over time to this point. The human and situational expression is not the ‘cause’ of the upheavals, and it will help us and our immediate surroundings if we can accept, and deal appropriately with, whatever situation we find ourselves in without wasting energy blaming anyone. The more in charge of our own reactions and behaviours we can be, the calmer we will be our response to events. The state of our inner landscape will very probably have more effect on our surroundings than any crying out at outer conditions. Anything that is done in the outer world to assist change will be more effective from a calm centre. Much of the noise and fuss being expressed is due to fear of the unknown future. We really never know the future, but mostly we manage not to believe that – but with changes happening so fast, we realise our not knowing. So include large doses of compassion for those who disagree with you.
Relative peace until the next upheaval
. The Full Moon is in Leo, upbeat and bright, with each person focused on taking care of their own while negotiating the facts of change (Moon trine Chiron in Aries, opposite Sun/Mercury in Aquarius, all square Uranus in Taurus). There will be the potential for division into different attitudes to it all, but Neptune will still be on the North Node, like a vast angelic force calling humanity into the correct direction for these times. If we can stay tuned to the highest principles of human interaction, and trust the beautiful loving force, whatever we dream for our future path will be blessed (Neptune remains in Pisces until 30 March, makes a short journey through the first degrees of Aries, and returns to Pisces late October).
This is a beautiful quote I’d like to share with you:
‘Goodness being love effectively, can embrace evil,
but evil, being effectively hatred, cannot embrace good.
So, good is greater than evil.
Good can embrace, take into itself, and transform
what is, in its nature at the time, evil,
and turn it into something greater.
But evil can never do this to good.’
Dr. Iain McGilchrist in the second of his Sophia Lectures
to Ralston College a few weeks ago.
Contemplation for this New Moon in Aquarius
The Light walks among you always.
You may see it as light beings, or rays,
or people you know and love still on Earth with you.
Or you may see it in the gestures of sweetness
that scatter light from a smile or a touch.
Laughter, rainbows, birdsong . . .
recognise Light wherever you may
and know that your seeing
is possible because
Light is in you.
With love,
Thank you dear Margaret,
A particularly beautiful and light-filled message – and recording – this Month.
with Love and thanks to you,
Thank you Margaret
So beautiful Margaret – the lines/poem at the end about the light – and your encouragement to leave behind the conditioned past to be open to what happens here and now.
One comment two words. Beautiful and Hope.
This poem is incredible Margaret. Thank you.