Capricorn New Moon 30 December 2024

If there is grit in your shoe, it is not selfish to stop and remove it;
where you have compromised yourself for peace,
it’s time to remove the grit from your shoe.

(don’t worry about the astrology, go for the gist)

Life can seem perverse – play at rolling with the punches
.       This last week has been characterised by changes not planned, and awkward rearrangements (Mercury squaring Saturn, Venus squaring Uranus). At this New Moon both these aspects are fading as the faster planets pull away and the future inexorably presents itself, different from expectations. The first square will have shown in our somewhat ungrounded communication, as the energies are expressing Sagittarius and Pisces, both changeable signs – fiery inspirations conversing with traditional assumptions, creating solutions that change day by day, testing our flexibility. But the general upbeat attitude and intention to enjoy ourselves is likely to have created a somewhat sparkling time, at least for some of us. The causes of change, though, may not have been comfortable at all, and loyalties may have been sorely tried.
.       The second square would have added changes that separated people who had planned to be together, and brought people together who hardly knew each other –all of which stretches our comfort zone to include the larger community. This was a bit closer to our sense of connectedness – exciting, as long as we haven’t pushed to attain compliance, or just given up and cut off. Neither Aquarius nor Taurus like surprises normally, each having a fixed view of what works. If we have been insistent on who spent time with who, resisting changes, we would have caused ourselves unnecessary pain.
.       The upshot is that now each of us is likely to be feeling more in touch with ourselves, moving with the flow, and making sure we are following our own path. And isn’t this the best way to be in the world – as long as it’s tempered by awareness, care and interest in the experience of those around us!

.       Capricorn manages the material world with skill and maturity
If we are not too punch-drunk with the run-up to this Capricorn New Moon, we will find the first week of the New Year much smoother as we surrender to what actually works each new day, and perhaps allowing old relationships to settle into fresh patterns (Sun/Moon sextile Saturn, and Mercury trines Chiron). The requirement of each of us, as we move into the Aquarian template for humanity is that, in becoming self-motivated, we find more tolerance for other people’s idiosyncrasies. What makes us interesting to each other is our very unpredictability, as long as our courage to enquire into each other’s truth isn’t stunted by fear of surprises.

Be yourself – for others
.       By the Full Moon in Cancer on 13 January, we will be clearer on where we need to grow (Mercury now in Capricorn, and Venus in Pisces, are both beginning to grapple with Saturnian necessities). We have a natural responsibility for the effects of what we say and do because we are inseparable from the other people in our lives, everyone affecting everyone else, all part of the great human life-wave. This is likely to be an emotional time as we become super-sensitive to the needs of others as well as our own. We are now ready to start the 2025-process of actually making the changes in our world that have been showing up for a while as essential (the North Node has backed into Pisces with Neptune trine Mars who is backing into Cancer with the Full Moon, to stay in Cancer until April 2025).
.       Where we have become irresponsible in pleasing ourselves, we will feel the pinch of course corrections (Chiron in T-square with Sun and Moon/Mars). But where we may have compromised ourselves for the sake of peace, or picked up an emotion that isn’t ours, we will be right in making our own course correction. If there is grit in your shoe, it is not selfish to stop and remove it: in other words, it may be time for you to stop and remove the grit – you may be able to do it without anyone else noticing, but if you need to share be kindly honest about your needs. You will walk on much more peacefully, and the world will take the right shape around you, even if that includes someone else not liking it.

2025 to 2026 – what’s going on!
.       The outer planets from Jupiter to Pluto are all in the process of shifting from Earth and Water into Air and Fire, such a major shift I find it impossible to be sensible about it! These planets represent the entire background attitudes and principles against which we live our little lives. Earth and Water are the heavy elements, tending downward, grounding and connecting us through our material experience and our relationship with the earth herself. Whereas Air and Fire are the up-going elements, light and spacious, allowing thought and movement that dances with the cosmos.

.       Pluto has already made its shift, so essential changes for humanity’s survival are already being revealed to enable transformation of the whole. But all the other planets have yet to make their shift. Because from Earth’s perspective that appear to go to and fro every year, 2025 is the year when they all do that shifting in and out of their new Signs. 2026 is the year when all the changes complete – the last one being Jupiter, who will finish with Gemini half way through 2025, then a year of Cancer, and will be in Leo July 2026.

.       So, my feeling is that 2025 is very likely to feel clunky as we get glimpses of how life is like to be ahead, but we keep being thrown back into what we have to do first. The very fact of this New Moon being at the very end of 2024, seems to suggest that we are still dealing with the end of whatever is going on, rather than completely involved in the newness of next stage. It’s 2026 that is more likely to bring about what we glimpsed as how the world is going to be for the next period of our lives.
.       But really, I don’t think any of us really knows how it will be . . . we have to get there, and anything can happen on the way. Let us hold firmly to the best we know about being human, knowing that we, as souls, chose to go through this momentous time! Life, Light and Love are in charge, and the greatest backdrop is vast and silent peace.


Other astrologers’ overviews
If you want to look at the whole of 2025, I recommend a youtube video of Pam Gregory with Kathy Rose, looking at the global and personal likely reflections each month
And Chris Brennon on speaks briefly to each Zodiac sign (your Sun sign or Ascendant) about the whole of 2025


Contemplation for this New Moon in Capricorn

Be peaceful
breathe gently
Speak softly, kindly to yourself
You are waiting, poised for amazing things
that may roll through so naturally
you may miss them entirely.
Be peaceful with yourself
quietly breathing
for your body is the earth
and your breath is the wind
and Transformation is the name
you have been given.
All will be well because All is well
and there is just life to be lived
in naturalness
and love.

With love,

4 Responses to Capricorn New Moon 30 December 2024

  1. marsha December 29, 2024 at 9:37 pm #


    thank you so much, i did try to book a reading …my birthday is coming up january 2nd ..maybe the week of the
    6th if you let me know which mornings ( better for me ) between 10-12 .

  2. Deb December 30, 2024 at 8:01 am #

    Beautiful Margaret

  3. Miriam December 30, 2024 at 10:25 am #

    Thank you
    I especially loved the end

    Sending love and blessings your way and good health always.

  4. Lois December 30, 2024 at 5:07 pm #

    Lovely and inspiring as always, Margaret. Thank you so much, and many blessing to you in the New Year.

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