Pisces New Moon – 17 March 2018

Look for beauty in all that you see, and you will see that everything is beautiful in its own way.

Please go for the gist of what is written, applying it to your life where it seems relevant.

Pisces – the soul’s current through this sea of humanness . . .

.       . . . sensitively holding out our arms to the world, and through that openness, the world’s pain drifts, or rushes, back into the heart, and it feels breakable (Sun/Moon/Chiron trine Jupiter in Scorpio). The woes of the world are too much for any individual to bear – we need to remember to take our correct place in the wholeness of things as one person, with our own woes and the vastness of spirit in mind. As tiny individuals we are adrift in the sea of human awareness. But we are held – the open loving arms are there for us all. We are safe in the hugeness of our true being. We need to allow our awareness to expand further, deeper, wider – not just theoretically, but felt – allowing the obscuration of fear to dissolve, and the truth of light and love to become obvious.

.       In the background of this month is a deep and largely unconscious shift, a nudge towards balancing ourselves in the material world by recognising that it is all spirit anyway (Neptune sextile Dark Moon Lilith, together pointing a yod at the North Node). Perhaps more noticeable is a sense of being an individual, saying what’s true for us personally, and going for what we want (Mercury/Venus in Aries trine North Node) which is right, as long as we remain aware that our activities affect everyone else as well.

Forward growth may pause for a while

.       Last October 2017, we began to immerse ourselves in deeper issues than usual for us, maybe finding a sense of personal power we’ve not felt before (Jupiter into Scorpio until November 2018). In mid-January this year, a transformation would have begun of how we relate to the deeper processes that have been triggered in us, perhaps the power needing more wisdom to direct it (Jupiter sextile Pluto). In the weeks before 9 March, you may have felt the forward growth of your projects slowing down (Jupiter now retrograde until 10 July). It now requires a time of holding back in order to make the necessary changes both inner and outer.

.       From mid-April we could be re-visiting that January situation, recognising the need to re-direct our energies (Jupiter retrogrades sextile to Pluto), and in July, the speed picks up again, but perhaps by then you will be motivated differently . . . The completed movement may only become clear from July to mid-September, and from September (as Jupiter sextiles Pluto for the last time) until November (Jupiter leaves Scorpio) we have the time to complete the growth that began last October. The following year has a different focus (Jupiter in Sagittarius) – you may find yourself with different ideas about what you want to do, where to go, how to expand your horizons, who knows . . . but that’s not now!

Habit versus choice – awake!

.       This inner shift is in our attitude to the material world. The focus of power is internal, deep – not individually, but collectively. There is a movement of growing awareness that it’s the whole world we need to consider at every step. We act as individuals, but our actions need to be motivated by a sense of partnership with the greater community, so that our outcomes benefit the whole. This process takes an age, but it has been very apparent for the last few years. The bit we are dealing with just now is the discovery that what we needed in childhood promotes a selfishness that we now feel is less than worthy of how we really are – behaviour which we would not consciously choose (Sagittarius square Pisces, and Aries square Capricorn). This month could be testing around relationships, as we each try very hard to be true to ourselves, and come across our differences. It is crucial to recognise the difference between ego desires and inner truth.

.       Let’s practise ‘letting go’ of instinctive grasping as though for survival, by consciously relaxing with these habitual needs. When we stop trying not to grasp, but just notice the unconscious tendency, we become able to feel the deeper sensitivities connecting us with all other human beings. There is nothing actually wrong with us, but we do tend to hold onto our habits long after we’ve changed our outlook. When we wake up in any situation, we are able to choose our response. The period 22 March to 14 April is particularly suited to noticing our inner working (Mercury retrograde in Aries). This is a perfect time to work on waking to our inner condition in the moment, the start of any mindfulness practice.

Love the trees!

.       The Full Moon chart presents a very clear pattern showing the pushme-pullyou of self-first versus sensitivity to others, all in focus through whatever material concerns you happen to be dealing with (Sun/Mercury in Aries opposite Moon in Libra, all square to Mars/Saturn in Capricorn – see the chart in my video). Most wonderfully, it heralds a few weeks of being in touch with the natural world in all its beauty and aliveness (Venus through Taurus), a great time to re-visit your favourite places, get into movement and dance, sing and play with Pan – and your partner! Allowing the breath of Nature to fill your lungs, take care of yourself in relationship with others, and take care of others from your loving heart (Sun/Mercury trine North Node).

.       Rather than allowing fear to make your decisions, ask a friendly tree! Also check if your reactions are coming from a discomfort in your body, or any other material concern, that on reflection is not as important as the outcome of your action. Be careful as you consider options, and ask the universe for the best outcome on all levels. We are always answered truly by life’s wisdom, so, if you ask for the best, whatever happens will be the best, even though you may not have foreseen it that way. Accept what is given – it is given for you.


Contemplation for this New Moon in Pisces

Trust yourself
Deep in your being
you are connected with all things
Wisdom flows through the pattern of Nature
so stand on the earth firm and steady
nothing can throw your balance
when you are anchored deep

Above all there is light
Look through that light at what is around you
and everything dissolves into love


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