Scorpio New Moon – 18 November 2017

Staying in the school of mastery:  with love, and more love,
all can be healed, and we can step across the non-existent gap
between ourselves and others – and spirit.

Please go for the gist of what is written, applying it to your life where it seems relevant.

Root yourself firmly beneath the water

.       While the planetary energy is still swirling around, our biggest task is staying grounded. This New Moon chart shows huge turbulence in our emotions, finances, business and all underlying structures (Sun/Moon, Venus and Jupiter all in Scorpio, trining Chiron and Neptune in Pisces – Water signs). Ideas abound, energetically expressed and changeable (Saturn trine Uranus, and Mercury all in Fire, sextile Mars in Air). Only Pluto is expressing through Earth at present, and that’s as stable as an earthquake!

.       From 9 December, the energy intensifies (Mars into Scorpio till 26 January). More information from behind the scenes may well come into the open, and emotions could be difficult to ride. When you find your emotional reactions testing, try leaning back into yourself, balancing in your centre, and withdraw your attachment to what is outside – without cutting off from it. This may well require letting go of your preferences for the future, but, as we don’t know what’s going to happen, we may as well let life bring to us what our soul requires. Scorpio is about mastering the flow of energy – not denying it, or blocking it or preventing it’s movement. The seat of mastery within is a position of relaxed power, bringing peaceful clarity. This month offers lots of opportunities to practise.

Chaos precedes transformation . . .

.       Most particularly, the energy may be impelling us to make drastic changes in our relationships, changes which, the next day, we may realise we didn’t mean (Mercury sextile Mars who squares Pluto). Our reactions will likely be fuelled from past experiences, and need to be checked for present relevance. But there may not be time before the words are out, forcing situations to the brink. And so the recommendation, to stay facing whatever emerges, is so important – Pluto destroys the status quo, which is necessary before there can be transformation. So, leaving an angry situation impetuously could lock in a destruction which can’t be reversed later. But staying with the situation through all the chaos of expression, could bring deep understanding and healing in old unconscious places in us.

. . . and love heals

.       Through everything else, there is an under-current of deep love welling up from the spiritual dimensions within and around us (Venus and Jupiter trining Neptune). Remembering that we love the deeper reality of who people are, their true inner spiritual nature, will help us hold a perspective of receptivity and acceptance, even when we don’t approve of their temporary egoic expression. An aspect of this loving is remembering to ask for spiritual support, praying for help with manifesting the healing that this New Moon is really about (Sun/Moon trine Chiron quincunx Uranus).

.       One potential stumbling block is now fading into last month (Saturn trining Uranus – Dec.16, May and Nov.17). Any losses or sudden, almost arbitrary statements of independence made late December 2016, with repercussions from May this year, will now be showing results incorporating the learning made from the experience. During this process, we will hopefully have become more autonomous, and prepared to change our minds about previously rigidly held opinions – check if this is true for you. One positive result could be a recognition that freedom doesn’t mean cutting off.

.       Up to the Full Moon on 3 December, we are likely to continue experiencing turbulence – although we may well be causing most of it, while fully appreciating the possible good that can come from difficult modifications (Mercury sextile Mars-square-Pluto, and trine the North Node). So with good communication, harmonious results can be achieved.

Learning from past experience

.       From the Full Moon, discussions can get seriously underway (Mercury goes retrograde, still sextile Mars, and trine Uranus), and we have two more weeks examining all possibilities before the next New Moon 18 December. On 19 December, Saturn moves into Capricorn, and we’ll need to be ready to get on with the necessary work. But, before that, from 3 to 20 December, the cosmic energy will be encouraging us to go over the last two years (retrograde Mercury on Saturn in Sagittarius) collecting all the learning gleaned from Saturn’s pushing us along our path up the evolutionary mountain. We should be seeing enough of the bigger picture by then, in our personal lives as well as globally, to apply our wisdom in old and new situations. Perhaps make this an exercise at the Full Moon, checking how you have changed through your experiences since December 2014 (when Saturn entered Sagittarius), and the difference that has made to your priorities now. Then, make sure you are up to date.

A testing time . . . for healing relationships

.       We may have lots of good ideas ourselves in these second two weeks, but we will need to curb our enthusiasm for action, and remember the needs of the rest of humanity (Sun and Moon square Neptune who is trine Jupiter). Without some sensitive consideration for our own and others’ emotional needs, our ideas will be inappropriate for the time, and our energy will be wasted (Jupiter is necessary for growth). This will be a time to remember that the larger part of good communication is really listening with interest.

.       This New Moon chart shows a month for healing the rifts that happen when tempers rise where opinions or ideologies are different (Sun/Moon trine Chiron and quincunx Uranus). With love, and more love, all can be healed, so that we move forward together to solve our apparent problems.


Contemplation for this New Moon in Scorpio

Did you think you were alone
to deal with this life like a child in a war zone?
Did you call out – Why is this happening to me!
You were heard, but your ears were blocked against reply.

Instead ask quietly – Why is this happening to me?
And the answer will come
quietly at first from the mountain top
then, gathering force like an avalanche of snow,
it will roar into your life.

And you may go forward with conviction
that you are part of this universe,
not separate for a single moment
from the love of which you are made.

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