. Jupiter is moving through Scorpio now until November 2018. The Sun is also in Scorpio at the moment until 21 November, Venus from 7 to 30 November, and Mars will be going into Scorpio on 10 December till 26 January 2018. I think we are feeling the effects already, and I really want to share with you more about how relationships might be impacted, and perhaps how to make the most of situations that crop up – so here is this extra letter . . .
. Jupiter is about our growth; it opens up and expands where ever it is, and Scorpio represents our depths, our shadow, the weight of our life that we take for granted. Yes, life may feel heavy, but it’s not a new heavy, just the heavy you’ve been carrying around all the time without noticing. Now you get to see that the weight is there, and the option is to go into it and find out what it consists of; tangle with it, listen to its call, let it stand separate from your identity. Kaypacha‘s latest ‘mantra’ is worth putting on the wall for the year ahead – about our relationship with anything and anybody in our lives:
The more we share the deeper we go,
And the more the truth is revealed.
The more we stay without turning away,
The more our wounds can be healed.
. And the Scorpio emphasis is giving us many opportunities to do all this, which can feel frightening or potentially destructive at the time. But afterwards, you find that the weight is no longer there. You feel somehow lighter, freer, without having a specific reason for that. You can breathe in new air with each breath. Eat, rest, work, be in your life with a sense of closeness to your own spiritual sensitivity, a softening of the barriers between those you love, and a compassion for this human condition we all inhabit.
. These few days are especially beneficent, offering a window of healing wherever we have the courage to trust the promptings of our spirit (Mars in Libra quincunx Neptune, Venus over Jupiter). And this attitude is the blueprint for Jupiter’s year in Scorpio. Jupiter offers us the transformation that Scorpio has in its depths, by expanding the hidden treasures till they burst out and illuminate the surface. So, as you search for truth, accept whatever comes up as giving an opportunity to understand yourself and others more. Let understanding encourage you to go beyond your fears to discover new ways of unfolding potential futures. Tune in to your truth, and enjoy your deepening relationships!
. Offered with love.
(Next New Moon letter due 18 November)
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