Aries New Moon – 27/28 March 17

Being who we are as we go along creates our spiritual path opening around us.
Have the courage to be no more, and no less, than yourself –
the world needs you awake.

Please go for the gist of what is written, applying it to your life where it seems relevant.


Aries – the constant beginner!

.       Aries brings the courage to know that you are yourself, no matter what!  There is nothing to prove and nowhere to go.  Life is being lived when we are awake to the everyday, every moment.  Over the last months, there have been enormous energy shifts which people have experienced as momentous happenings in life.  Many have changed their life situations and health regimes, had accidents, losses and illnesses, and also gains and insights that bring more understanding and joy.  This Aries New Moon chart appears to promise less dramatic happenings coming at us from outside, but indicates a powerful impetus on the inside, which may have us creating huge changes with our own actions.

Pause – and act when it ‘feels’ right

.       The Aries drive is to be oneself, whatever that is, and Aries finds out what it is through action.  Many actions provoke the discovery of what one is not, so the drive continues to force the search.  The strong pushing at life,  at work, at relationships, is modified this month by a memory of having had loving connection with others (Venus retrograding through Aries is close to Sun/Moon).  But there is still the determination to do things one’s own way so as not to lose the sense of individuality.

.       Aries may not be wise, but it is honest, and we may all find ourselves being more outspoken than usual, blurting out truths that have been lurking below the surface, without stopping to check whether the moment is appropriate (Mercury conjunct Uranus in Aries).  We are likely to feel pulled between holding back as usual, and the impulse to clear the inner turmoil (Mercury/Uranus opposite Jupiter in Libra).

.       Being aware of an inner dilemma gives us the opportunity to say what we need to say in a more useful way, so that differences can be aired without damaging the relationship (Saturn trine Mercury/Uranus).  New ways of seeing things, new attitudes, can be found that bridge gaps, and sort out any rubble left from previous attacking behaviour (Mercury together with Uranus).  So be prepared to follow through your inspirations and change your actions.  Through all this your body will be an honest guide, so pay attention to your physical state and reactions (Mars in Taurus sextile Neptune).  Also be prepared to accept any feedback you get from the material world – ‘reading life’.

The Full Moon 11 April

.       Through the beginning of April the scene changes, we will be more sensitive to the feelings of others, more connected and flowing (Venus retrograding into Pisces).  And we need to be more focused on practicalities, rather than worrying about ‘being somebody’ (Mercury into Taurus).  By the Full Moon, we are likely to find ourselves re-considering much of what the past two weeks have brought (Mercury retrograde 9 April till 3 May), and remembering how much we do feel for others in their hardship (Venus stops on Chiron and moves direct 15 April).  We may experience empathic connection with those who suffer, because we feel our own imprisoning situations (Venus/Chiron square Saturn) – a perfect setup for clearing and healing injustice.  This is a good month for discovering and implementing mutually beneficial ways of living.

Me or Us – freedom or relationship

.       The big pattern that becomes exact during this month, and is in full focus at the Full Moon, is the struggle between the power of responsibility and the drive for freedom, all exaggerated and compromised by a need to be aware of others and not hurt anybody (Pluto square Uranus/Sun, and also square Jupiter/Moon in Libra).  There is a feeling that our projects in the world are not growing as fast as we would like (Jupiter retrograde till June), and the resulting frustration has us making bigger moves than is necessary.  We could easily spoil situations and relationships by overdoing our reactions, and later regretting the results.

Aries – the courage to begin now, and again now

.       Life seems to be creating pressure, but it is our reaction to the pressure that makes it a problem.  The solution to this energetic pressure is to breathe fresh air into your lungs, and let the old stale breath right out.  Breathe your body open, and relax as you let the breath go.  Breathe into the present moment, and accept where you are as you relax the breath away, letting go of what is past.  Let yourself be here, now, and give yourself a moment to re-group.  Allow the next task to arise – either in your mind, or in front of your eyes – and do that task until it’s done, before breathing awake to the next task.  Everything needful will get done, and your digestion and sleep will flow much better.

.       The astrologer, Kaypacha, speaks of the need for the element ‘Water’ just now, viewing Pisces as ether or spirit, rather than a water sign.  There are no planets in the water signs, Cancer and Scorpio, at the moment so a lack of water energy in the world.  Water, emotional empathy, softens our interactions like oil in machinery.  And in the chart, the fourth point, which would balance this great T-square, would be in Cancer.  So let us remember to be caring of each others’ feelings, and gentle with ourselves when we cry.  It is not self-pity, just overwhelm flowing from our shoulders.  Let’s eat well and healthily, enjoy getting active in nature, and make the most of our body through touch and music and movement (Venus/Chiron sextile Mars in Taurus).  Stay present!


Contemplation for this New Moon in Aries

your own take on life
ignore your rising thoughts.
Allow the sense of space around you
to speak to you –
and listen.

There is no correct way to behave
no exact right words to say
there is only what is
in the face of the other
to guide your heart
in loving.

One Response to Aries New Moon – 27/28 March 17

  1. Emmajane March 26, 2017 at 7:32 pm #

    Thankyou so much for sharing your insights Margaret.I always look forward to your words of wisdom & guidance each new moon & find them such a helpful framework as each month unfolds.

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