Enjoy the focus on one step at a time, each step as it arises,
trusting spirit leads you towards your heart’s fulfilment.
(don’t worry about the astrology, go for the gist)
Dear friends,
This Capricorn New Moon letter may be the last I will be sending in the old way, where each person has received the e-mail directly from me. There are just too many addresses for me to do that any more, so I will be sending the next New Moon letter from this WordPress website. WordPress needs to know that I have your permission to send you the letters, and subscribing with your email address confirms that (no cost). So please subscribe in order to receive the letters into your email box.
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You don’t need to do anything else. If you have any problem, or if the next letter doesn’t arrive, email me directly then – and we’ll sort things out.
By the way, you are always free to email me directly! I am very available,
still reading charts with loving care and spiritual focus,
all of which gives me joy!
And these may not be the last changes I make to my website, so stay tuned . . .
Capricorn New Moon – focused on what works
. This Capricorn New Moon is focusing us on what one needs to do in the preparation of a foundation for whatever one might want to build or attract. And it brings success IF we can manage to joyfully take the steps towards our goal, while allowing the final outcome to be what spirit holds for us as right in the wholeness of life. A key sentence for this New Moon chart might be ‘joyfully allow Light through in every moment, and all will be done according to the law of love’ (Sun/Moon trine Uranus; Mars sextile Saturn and trine Jupiter; Venus trine Chiron).
. The path we tread may well include steps that look like we are having to let go of more than we intended, and we can’t see how that will work (Pluto is at the end of the last degree of Capricorn – into Aquarius 20 January). This is the time to remember that we are actually not very good at knowing what’s going to work, and also sometimes it’s better to not know how life will achieve the goal. It’s so very easy to get in the way of life’s natural flow by trying to work out a better way. And here is the ‘spanner in the works’: our minds leaping to conclusions way ahead of the natural unfolding of spiritual patterns (Mercury in Sagittarius at loggerheads with Neptune in Pisces). We have always been carried along within the current of spiritual unfoldment, and in these times the flow is more accessible to the intuitive understanding of far more people than in the past.
Don’t fight what is – let spirit lead the way with love
. By the Full Moon on 25 January, after a period of personal inner healing, we will be ready to extend ourselves to relate with other people more, sensing our group involvement (Venus in Capricorn sextile Saturn and trine Jupiter). A good time to help another, even if it seems that doing the appropriate thing is counter to our personal desires. These could be stop-gap solutions to temporary situations, and may well lead to our own next step. There is enjoyment to be found whatever we do, and the connections we make in the process will help us walk the Aquarian path along with Pluto (Sun/Pluto in Aquarius; Moon in Leo quincunx Saturn in Pisces).
. I think what will work is getting on with our own path, while remaining available for whatever and whoever turns up. I love the attitude to problems, that they don’t get in the way, they lead the way! When we don’t know which way to turn, life has a way of presenting us with the last thing we would have thought could be useful, and it proceeds to offer the solution to our problem (Mercury/Mars square Chiron on North Node). Complaining about what’s happening, wishing things were different, trying to hurry a process that seems too slow, all these drain energy from manifesting a better result.
The way of trust and love
. So perhaps the best plan this month is to go steadily according to the style of Capricorn, taking stock, taking care, taking one step at a time, and learning from the results reality shows you, before moving to the next step. We need to hold faith in what feels most loving and beautiful in our hearts, not knowing how or when that may be achieved, but knowing with firm certainty that it will come as surely as the light of day.
Contemplation for this New Moon in Capricorn
Dear ones,
you are doing your best
partially sighted, and often deaf to spirit
what more could you ask of yourselves!
So relax into your being alive
breathing, and allow the flow
to flow through you.
You will find
in your inner allowing
peace and stillness and space
and in that space – Light will be
to warm your heart and lighten your thoughts
Allow the light of love to pass
through you into this material world
and all is well done
and all is well.
With love,
Dear Margaret,
A wonderful message of hope, guidance and love. Thank you
this fills me up and helps during what feels like a lot of letting go… thank you, Margaret