Enjoy yourSelf – before, during, and after planned events!
(don’t worry about the astrology, go for the gist)
Contemplation for this New Moon in Capricorn
Stay with yourself
your immediate experience of being human.
Stay with your heart
as the love that is all flows through.
Stay with your root
linking the human form with limitless space.
Stay present now
and be with the mighty throng of Light
to hold and to heal and to love
everyone and all that is.
Capricorn contributes its value to the whole Zodiac
. Capricorn is often taken for granted, while being regarded as a kill-joy or a depressed fear-monger, but it plays an essential part of life on this planet – we need its virtues. As the Sun leaves its month in Sagittarius, we realise that Capricorn pays the bill for Sagittarian festivities, builds the home in the place discovered through Sagittarian searching, carries the weight of Sagittarian shopping. And, perhaps because Capricorn can see these necessary functions looming, there can be a tendency to limit the need for its role to something at least manageable. This may mean a reduction in creative spontaneity, and even fun. But once the bill is paid and enough food is on the table (and in the cupboard) Capricorn’s generosity is unmatched. Saturn is the planetary energy that rules Capricorn, and Saturn takes care that our efforts will be effective in manifesting what’s required. Then, when we achieve the results of doing things in the way that works, there is enough for all to share – which is the Capricorn plan!
. Taking care of the whole structure is the responsibility that Capricorn feels, so it’s not surprising if those with this sign strong in their charts try to control others on occasions where they see how things could go wrong. However, in an Aquarian time, each of us is learning to take responsibility for ourselves, and mistakes need to be part of the process of self-correction. The value of Capricorn in this age is its ancient wisdom, which brings natural caution rather than fear of the unknown, and its deep integrity rather than selfishness. It extends a sense of basic security, enabling the other Zodiac signs to get on with expressing their own valuable traits.
When does a mountain of unheard truth erupt?
. There is a general surge of energy for action right now, although we don’t necessarily know yet what action to take (Jupiter, into Aries 20 December, squares this New Moon). Issues beginning mid-May this year, and alive till late October, may well re-arise, this time asking to be dealt with. Personally, you may find in yourself the impetus to make a new start on something previously given up, or seeming impossible to achieve.
. At the Solstice on 21 December, as the Sun moves into Capricorn, the chart this year shows an old Moon still in Sagittarius with a mood of searching for other possibilities. As the Moon represents ‘the people’, this suggests a pressing concern with how to give voice to individual personal expression, in the face of overall community needs. How much does freedom of individual speech whip up fear in a materially fearful world? And when does side-lining and blocking differing views become censorship? (Moon opposite Mars in Gemini and trine Chiron in Aries) Because the sense of urgency is rising, where there is a conflict it could escalate – until 3 January when a fresh sense of community calms things down, and love for the whole becomes stronger than the desire to fight for oneself (Venus into Aquarius sextile Jupiter).
Pay attention to the facts as they arise
. At this New Moon on 23 December, two days after the Solstice, not only has the Moon joined the Sun at the very beginning of Capricorn, Mercury and Venus are already in. And Pluto’s been there since 2008, now very near the end, overturning the ground as deep into our practical lives, finances, health, as is necessary to transform our way of life. We are likely to be focusing around all our practical arrangements in these areas for the next couple of months (Mercury staying in Capricorn until 11 February – retrograde 28 Dec. to 18 Jan.)
. Relationships come into this scrutiny, how we relate to people and possessions, and the natural world. We are examining again what we truly value, and how we are to preserve that. Part of this process requires us to stand back to examine what we have been doing that didn’t work, that produced less rather than more of what is needed for life. We may not know the answer immediately, but the blocks to our finding out are retreating (Saturn leaving the square to Uranus).
. The solution, to all the problems of self vs community, is coming from a growing ability to relate in an Aquarian way, allowing our differing views to be less important than the value of each life in the wholeness of community. This is a radical selflessness, not ignoring one’s preferences, but recognising when they are not the top priority, and choosing to extend love to others whose need may be greater than one’s own. There may also be a choice at this time to leave the problems underground, while taking care of needs and sharing festivities. How much this can be done remains to be seen! How long can we ‘live, and let live’ without past suppressions erupting? And are we really ready for the Aquarian ideal life anyway! (Venus trine Uranus/North Node)
. From the Full Moon on 6 January, the energy is more about communicating about all that has been discovered and broadcast; arguments yes, but also the capacity to see that the opinions of people both sides are valid from their own experience, and that a higher viewing point is required. The broader perspective allows us to see how all may be included (Venus trine Mars in Gemini, and Full Moon in Cancer sextile North Node).
Jupiter encouraging Aries until mid-May 23 (next time 2034/35)
. The unfolding moment is always new – the future will be growth and continual unfolding as long as we stay in the moment we are in. The human problem is that what we see depends on our previous experience, which varies from one person to another, was probably mis-perceived at the time bearing little resemblance to what was true, and was also very likely mis-interpreted. All one can say is – do not be fooled by appearances. Do not think that what is actually there is the same as what you think you see!
. Empty your mind of ideas and be where you are, surrounded by manifesting spirit, within you as well as outside, because all is one unfolding. Empty your mind and be. And experience the moment, of each breath, in and out. Breathing the life that surrounds you into your body, and breathing companionship into the space around you. Companionship with all you see, or feel, all contained by life, or expressing life in movement. Sound waves reach your ears, as light and colour reach your eyes, all through life’s compassionate field. Empty your mind, and experience – even one second of time is enough, is eternity, the eternally unfolding moment. And how would you stand, how move, how sound your voice, in keeping with all this?
. Jupiter enters Aries to encourage new growth, to expand horizons, to tempt us to try again to live straight from our being. What would you intend for 2023, what grow, what explore, what express from your heart? Openness, daring to become more, to BE without boundaries, containing everything, all. Aries represents the beginner’s mind – perfect for being in the moment, alive, awake, open without preconceptions. This is the pure energy of life, often squandered on aiming for a goal and forgetting to be, but can be lived as expansion into the great boundless One, while engaging with the moment by moment kaleidoscope of unfolding creation.
. . . one last thought . . .
. Chiron has been in Aries since April 2019, indicating the need to heal the wound to our sense of mattering in this great universe of things. We are born with our Chiron wounds from ages past, and within the pain is contained the healer through the capacity to BE Self as the whole. Perhaps Jupiter through Aries is indicating the first step of healing, allowing all damage to flow away into the past, and present moment spiritual focus to be restored.
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