Let the bigger picture be the backdrop,
while you focus on, and do, the work that comes to hand.
(don’t worry about the astrology, go for the gist)
Dear friends,
. I shall be away from my computer for the first week of September.
And I’ll be working in Shipston-on-Stour UK, 11/12 September – if you would like to see me there is one consultation left: email Sara Walsh info@shipstontherapycentre.co.uk
. Before starting to write this letter, I found myself reading through the last one, the New Moon in Leo. And I noticed that I hadn’t finished editing the typing at the end, nor even finished the thought behind that last paragraph. And as I read it, I realised how very important the message it contained for this month too, and always. So here it is again, this time complete and a bit different (because nothing alive stays the same):
Choose: little ego or true Being?
. Emotionally, we know how a good feeling feels. We can feel a good feeling about life arise, maybe we smile, take a deeper breath and expand a bit. Life opens up, we know the next thing is just what it is, no pressure. If we can hold this state, the day unfolds with warmth, people, communication, colours, ideas. But then habitual thoughts enter, possible problems occur to us, and the original feeling becomes somewhat tarnished. The possibilities become hard work or not really necessary – the openness closes, the smile fades. Just notice if you can the moment the negatives begin to chill that first feeling, because that’s our little ego at work through our thinking mind and, once spotted, its power is much reduced.
. Rather than letting fears of loss, or panicky need, reduce you back into darkness, see if you can stay with the first joyful, exuberant, excited, loving, feeling, because this is your spirit coming through, your real Self getting to grips with being part of the whole. Even if it’s not a happiness, but a grief, or an anger, if the feeling is fresh in the moment, it still expresses your soul being. This is showing the way that is Light, where we are connected to the Source and feel alive. We are constantly in a position to choose what we attract towards us, and this is the path we follow like it or not. Faced with this choice, would you prefer to be guided by little ego with its worries and control issues and judgements, creating darkness around you? Think about it! We are faced with this choice all the time – how often do we choose the ego? Why do we do that? We lose nothing by choosing the Light path, and are far more likely to attract what we want.
Virgo – serve yourself and the world, or limit your joy
. The new human is in process of becoming. Our job is to focus on what we really want to attract, because that’s how it works. If you focus on what you don’t want through fear of it, and think you may avoid it that way, your experience will demonstrate you simply attract it into your life. So think about what you really value, express it, endeavour to radiate it into your world – it will arise around you naturally. You will benefit, and so will all those around you, in ways you couldn’t have imagined.
. This practice brings us seamlessly into this month, beginning with the New Moon in Virgo. Virgo wants the world to be a better place for us all: the House where Virgo is in your chart shows the area of life where you would naturally gift everyone – it needs to be used purposefully for our well being. Do you give this too much, or not enough? This is a good month to consider this, and for aiming to notice the moment when little ego tries to take charge of our energy by keeping the original wound bleeding. Having noticed, we can choose to do it differently (Mercury trines Chiron, and squares Uranus).
. Consciously letting go of previous habits this month brings the assistance of Pluto and Neptune, the energy of spiritual transformation, helping to create the new human inside each of us. Communicating about where and how the painful habit arose will help us make the change deliberately, as long as we don’t fall into the traps of blaming someone for our pain or criticising any part of the picture – pain after all is how we discover what we are doing that hurts us, and our endeavour to grow is inspired by the circumstances (Chiron sextile Jupiter in Gemini, who squares Saturn).
Love from the heart is healing
. The theme of spiritual transformation features in our loving relationships this month, where resting back into our capacity to love supports our ability to express what we really feel (Venus trine Pluto from the South Node, empowering the North Node ruler Mars in Gemini). The confusions we may come across as we search to find the truth, can be seen as less important than love from the heart. This love is intended to clarify and to heal, and can carry us through any difficulties that ideas and words might create (Mars square Neptune, quincunx Pluto; and Sun/Moon in Virgo opposite Saturn).
‘BE the change you wish to see.’
. The Full Moon chart is particularly interesting as the Sun in Virgo is opposed by Moon/Neptune in Pisces. As Neptune is part of the pattern with Pluto and Uranus, growing in strength over these years, the Moon’s proximity indicates that we will all have a connection with the cosmic intention for the Earth, an open conduit to how the transformation will affect us all, perhaps its purpose. It could also represent our finer consciousness observing the effect of changes on ‘the people’, humanity as a whole, as well as us as individuals. Whether this appears as compliance or rebellion may depend on your vision, your attitude or your desires; and, given that the material world operates in duality, it’s possibly both and more!
. In the Light, all is seen to be constantly changing, and there’s no need to take action apart from caring for each other (Mars in Cancer). One thing is certain, we are not in control of anything but our own responses. Open minds, adaptability, and care, make the best focus (9 September Mercury into Virgo); while Love is the backdrop against which individual healing unfolds (Venus in Libra trine Jupiter who sextiles Chiron). Throughout this month, Love is a huge focus – let it be love of truth rather than comfort, soul rather than ego, Self rather than self.
Contemplation for this New Moon in Virgo
‘Help us!’
Ah – we thought you’d never ask . . .!
Dear humanity, how you do think you’re on your own!
and your strength so puny, your vision so short –
just ask for help when life overwhelms you.
Stop trying to manage transformation,
retreat towards your inner Self,
take care of the inner child
so you may stand tall
in the cosmos
and BE
With love,
Hello Margaret,
Thank you for your message to our souls.
Love and care brings change. May we all strive for this in our hearts.
Happy moon times.
Lovely, sweet – a challenge, of course.
Beautifully and simply spelt out – Oh how easy life can be – no – IS.
Time for a change of covering (clothes, CLOAK – step out of the rags and into eternal blue/gold/white light!!!
Thank you, beautiful Margaret.
I Love you with all my heart!
Thank you Margaret.
Always with love
Ann K.
Beautiful and timely message Margaret. Virgo is on my mid-heaven (Taurus with Scorpio rise and Capricorn moon). I so enjoy your astrology!