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New Moon in Gemini - 28th May 2014  
New Moon in Capricorn -
21/22 December
New Moon in Sagittarius -
22 November
New Moon in Scorpio -
23 October
New Moon in Libra -
24 September
New Moon in Virgo -
25 August
New Moon in Leo -
26 July
New Moon in Cancer -
27 June
New Moon in Gemini -
28 May
New Moon in Taurus -
28/29 April
New Moon in Aries -
30 March
New Moon in Pisces -
1 March
New Moon in Aquarius -
30 January
New Moon in Capricorn -
1 January

Gemini - inseparable twins

Gemini’s symbol is the Roman numeral ‘II’ - 2: astrologically we can say it needs ‘at least two of everything’ for the variety that gives spice to life. It can be two-faced, or charming; it’s about movement, which requires at least two things to move between - the vibration of life! It is about duality in life, our two hands, our lungs, and the two hemispheres of our brains. And one could also say it represents two views of life: the everyday material experience on one hand where we feel separate, and oneness on the other where we feel part of the whole. More of that further down . . .

Communicate yourSelf, and what you need to be that

This month, the pressure we have been experiencing is off again - we can make good headway with what we have learned over the last couple of months (fading water trine from Jupiter to Chiron and Saturn). Communication in our relationships is likely to be more productive, as we have the capacity to see better what’s going on (Mars in Libra is no longer retrograde). We can now admit openly that our needs are different from each others, and perhaps we feel more prepared to ask for, and also give, each other the space needed to be who we truly are (Venus, end of Aries, sextile Mercury, end of Gemini).

Let’s not fool ourselves

The thing to be alert to this month is the tendency to feel that, when we have talked about something, it is done! (Sun/Moon square Neptune). The talking we’ve done, and continue to do, shows possible paths and potential growth - lots of ideas and suggestions. But they still have to make their way through the emotional field - that is, our reactive patterns - and we need to tune into the natural flow of life energy, in order to accomplish anything.

A good relationship is worth the effort

By the Full Moon on 13 June, we will be needing to make the adjustments previously talked about, and some of these may involve letting go of how we like to do things (Mars squares Pluto and opposes Uranus in Aries). Express your caring of another by being prepared to experiment with new ways (Moon in Sagittarius quincunx Jupiter in Cancer). And let this be an adventure, rather than just for fun: laughter needs to be kind, because close relating reveals our vulnerability, and reactions can come from a very young place inside (Venus in Taurus is opposite Saturn, sextile Chiron). With tolerance, respect and compassion, much can be understood this month that firms up the foundations of our relationships.


More about two views of life: Separate, and One

Astrologically, we would say that each of the twelve (or however many) individual Zodiac Signs need each other, and together express wholeness - which is present all the time. Through Gemini eyes, we might be looking at these two views as incompatible; in the Cancer phase, we could find our attitude to the everyday dramas of home life changing to acceptance; which, from the Leo perspective, comes from an open heart in loving it all; and so on . .. Each of the signs would be revealing a different aspect of our relationship with human life, that adds up to total understanding of life’s true nature.

The Gemini task would be holding these two views at the same time - ‘Like breathing in and out together? Impossible!’ And yet we must do both; the right hand needs to know what the left hand is doing; both sides of the brain must be connected for us to be able to function smoothly in the world.

Maybe Gemini can experience thought as soft interlacing streams of consciousness within a broader awareness; learning to walk through life moment by moment, leaning in turn on one foot then the other, and not stopping the movement by clinging to either side. As a Gemini experience, we are having two views of life at once, duality and oneness, both legitimate experiences, but combined, so that we see the bits and pieces of life inseparably interconnected as a whole - ‘All (the bits) is One’. This is a good time to practise such a balancing act (Gemini New Moon trines Mars in Libra).

A list of tasks, or a map of the situation

To include both views of life, both sides of the brain, on that daily level, a map of what needs doing might work better than a list of tasks, especially from 12/13 June (Full Moon in Sagittarius). You might like to play with this idea: put your yourself- as-you-feel-now in the middle of a clean sheet of paper, and then let the areas of connection and/or concern in your life arrive on the paper around that centre-point as they arise in your mind. Let every thought have its place on the page, then, as you go along or later when you look at the whole page, draw lines or overlapping circles or shapes where they seem to be connected to each other. You may want to take a clean sheet and start again, because your priorities may shift and new connections emerge as you work on the first sheet.

When you’ve done all this, you can put the sheets aside and forget them, because inside ourselves, something knows what needs to be done next. So, if you do immediately the thing that comes to mind first, and only after that do the next thing that arises, everything will get done. Multi-tasking down a list tends to dilute our focus, unless one task is serving several purposes. Whereas, one thing at a time can be totally focussed on to its best completion.

. . . just a thought about time

Time is very illusory, although it’s not necessarily useful to say ‘an illusion’. Something does seem sequential about events, but it has more to do with our ebb and flow of involvement, and the interpenetrating waves of multiple unfolding (Sun/Moon square Neptune).

If you have been finding yourself confused about how time works in your life, you might find all-round awareness the thing to work on, and that sweet patience that comes when you relax and accept the way things are in each moment. Nothing in life stays the same, and that which is dead is decomposing as it stands, we don’t have to remove it ourselves. Even in our daily lives, we are connected with the whole roiling mass of continuous creation. It cannot be understood with logical thinking, but perhaps with acceptance we can fall into the still centre that holds it all.


Contemplation for this New Moon in Gemini

Don’t worry - it creates blockages.
Your brain is to help you
once you have established a relationship
with the truth of your surroundings
which includes the personality and body you live in.

Be in relationship with all this and you will find
that there is a greater knowledge that can direct you
when you listen.
Be in communication with the stars, with the wind and water.
Listen more than you speak,
and you will know what to say
when the time comes.

Listen . . .
. . . and love.