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New Moon in Sagittarius - 22nd November 2014  
New Moon in Capricorn -
21/22 December
New Moon in Sagittarius -
22 November
New Moon in Scorpio -
23 October
New Moon in Libra -
24 September
New Moon in Virgo -
25 August
New Moon in Leo -
26 July
New Moon in Cancer -
27 June
New Moon in Gemini -
28 May
New Moon in Taurus -
28/29 April
New Moon in Aries -
30 March
New Moon in Pisces -
1 March
New Moon in Aquarius -
30 January
New Moon in Capricorn -
1 January

Sagittarius shares ideas - are they fact or fiction?

Sagittarius is generally outspoken and honest, and also has a great imagination. He (forgive the gender choice - we all have both) is also a great teller of stories - which may or may not be as ‘true’ as we who are listening might suppose. There will be sufficient truth in the mind of the story-teller, at least in the beginning of the story. But anyone who has tried writing their personal experience at speed will know that there comes a point where one stops checking against known facts, and the story grows by itself. It’s a wonderful ability for a writer of novels, but can run a Sagittarian into trouble when listeners are expecting, and relying on, accuracy.

It may seem unfair to put this at Sagittarius’ door, but we all have Sagittarius somewhere in our charts, and most people catch themselves embroidering every now and then. The 22 November New Moon is likely to point this up. In fact, the character of Sagittarius is much bigger than that, and often, what can sound far-fetched, has been fetched from much further than most of us have been. Sagittarius must be the judge of his own truth. He is inspired, and quite often has to reduce the fullness of his vision, in order to reach the logical mind - it’s no wonder he finds this testing, and sometimes refuses to bother. The reduced vision can look illogical and ‘wrong’, but it could be showing up the lack of vision in the judgemental hearer. Sagittarius needs to test what he hears against the sense of truth in his heart, for he is called by voices beyond human hearing.

Look before you leap!

This month we are all liable to find ourselves having visions of how life could be arranged more enjoyably. But we could equally be making a bit more of things than is truly possible just now (Sun/Moon square Neptune). We will need to check our imaginings, worries and fears, against what we really know. We may sadly find that our hopes and dreams also get reduced. We have a choice - to know the truth now, or risk let down and disappointment later (Sun/Moon conjunct Saturn who is squared by Jupiter). Possibly all could go well, but equally possibly not - so let’s temper our optimism with pragmatic interest, and find out carefully if the plank in the path will support us, before putting our whole weight on it.

Shaking watery emotions off the bigger picture

Saturn spends this whole month trawling through the last degrees of Scorpio, so we are likely to be facing all the emotional stuff we previously put off. The best approach is to accept responsibility for our own feelings as we make our way through the water, and then shake our past emotion off the nuggets of wisdom we have gathered.

If you are one of those who’ve been feeling the grief and sadness of the whole world pouring through your space over the last few weeks, you should find it fades over the next five or six days (Mercury still in Scorpio). From 28 November, there could be a lifting of spirits, a more positive outlook, a broader perspective, and a pull to see things in a more philosophical light (Mercury through Sagittarius from 28 November until 17 December).

Being aware of the world’s grief doesn’t mean you have to let it through your own hormonal system - that’s just sympathy and can lead to a kind of mental pity for oneself and/or others, which is no help to anyone. What’s needed is empathy, where old experience lends an appreciation of others’ pain. We are touched, rather than overwhelmed, and heart-felt compassion arises. Feeling compassion, we are able to be strong and helpful.


Romance! - tasting the ocean of spiritual love

Take care not to anticipate what spirit ‘has in mind’ for your relationships, because we never really know what’s to come, nor can we work out what will happen; we may even fail to understand later what happened (Venus in Sagittarius squaring the mid-point between Neptune and Chiron in Pisces). Romance feels wonderful, no doubt about it; AND we can so easily lose sight of the real person in the glow of ‘the other’!

One way through emotional tangles in relationship is to remember that all we experience is actually how we are feeling and reacting inside ourselves - which is largely a product of our past experiences, expectations, unconscious hopes, and so on. The other person is the current trigger, so that we get to see what’s really inside us, and maybe untangle that a bit more. Each person’s thread is unrolling according to their soul’s timing - so we can be grateful when their thread and ours combine in harmony, allowing spiritual love through into human experience.

Once we feel that expansion of heart, we want to bless everyone we see, because they’re all us really. The knack is remembering that the other is not the cause, but the trigger for this expansion. The love you feel is your own capacity to feel love: and - you know this - you can only feel loved by another when you are standing in that loving place inside yourself.

Have fun being your true self

For all the above complication and angst, this month’s chart shows a beautiful capacity for understanding what needs to be done (Mercury in perfect collaboration with Mars in his best sign of Capricorn) - this is a strong, competent grasp of the facts, and practical activity well thought out and applied. So we will need to receive, and stay in touch with, both our inspirational visions and the true situation we are in. This combination could achieve the most valuable ground work during the first half of the month.

Full Moon 6 December - letting go

From the Full Moon on 6 December, any errors of judgement will likely show themselves (Sun/Mercury and Moon all squaring Chiron). We will need to let go of any aspect of our identity that we recognise as false - this second half of the month we will be challenged to be authentic. So be prepared to be ‘wrong’, to laugh at yourself with real humour, to realise that you may be hiding behind a mask, an identity that you hope people think is the real you, that you’ve been defending in a stubborn way, and doesn’t serve you anymore.

Throw away your mask rather than the relationship with another person (Sun/Mercury trine Uranus in Aries). Let your sense of identity stretch and wake to itself in the present, and just enjoy being yourself! Have fun in Sagittarius!


Contemplation for this New Moon in Sagittarius

Each one of you is
as dear to life as each other one.
There are no favourites, no rewards,
all is given as required.
All that is required in return
is trust.

Trust that all is well
regardless of appearances.
Trust that you are that spirit
which is stronger than,
and runs through,
everything that exists.
Trust that there are no real mistakes,
all is held and loved for what it is
not for what it could or might have been.

There is no goal.
The journey IS the passing
colours and sounds of your life itself.
Enjoy this life that you live,
and your open heart will receive