Pre 2005 Menu

Question and Answer
Uranus into Aries 2010:
Earthquake in the Indian Ocean and the consequent Tidal Waves – late December 2004
Q & A:
27th October 2004
Overwhelm - August 2004
June 2004: Venus transiting the face of the Sun
Sedna - Part 1:
Universal Feminine – Awake!
Sedna - Part 2:
What does it all mean?
Q & A:
Uranus into Aries 2010
The Harmonic Concordance - 8th/9th November 2003
Reflections on 9/11
June 2001 - May 2002
May 2001 - Oct. 2001
March 2001
February 2001
Nov. 2000 - March 2001
Aug. 2000 - Nov. 2000

'A friend was upset and worried the other day because someone she knew who did astrology was saying that Uranus goes into Aries in about five years time and the last time it did this we had World War 2 - she was predicting a devasting time for the earth - so much so that it might not exist as we know it. Can you throw any wisdom on this?'

Soul Astrology Answer:

The facts are that Uranus was in Aries last in 1927 between April and October, and then from January 1928 until April 1935. Which was well before World War 2 - and therefore don't even consider the predictions! Next time it goes into Aries will be in 2010 between May and July, and then from March 2011 for seven years.

Uranus has only just gone properly into Pisces (last March to September 2003 we had a taster, and, the earth overtaking it, it seemed to go back into Aquarius for a few more months, entering Pisces again January 2004).

Pisces is about human emotion without boundaries: that is, everyone feeling everyone else's emotional reactions. It's a bit like what happens when a football crowd suddenly reactions to a goal, or a lynch-mob to an inciting shout, or even one of those moments in a group of friends when waves of giggles keep infecting everyone. Because the underlying feeling of most people is fear of not surviving, and no trust in spirit at all, what tends to swim around humanity's emotional field most often and virulently is fear itself, and it sounds as though your fearful friend was reacting to some of that.

Uranus will be in Pisces until 2011, so we have the next seven years to discover how to withstand these frightening ideas, learning to hold the light aloft as the emotional reactions drench us all, and the floods then drain away, revealing yet again that life continues.

Uranus in Pisces is reminding us that, yes, we are all One. But as individuals (which we also are) we can remain observant of the emotional realm as we strive towards a calm spiritual viewpoint - which is also a quality of Uranus in Pisces!