Pre 2005 Menu

Question and Answer
27th October 2004:
Earthquake in the Indian Ocean and the consequent Tidal Waves – late December 2004
Q & A:
27th October 2004
Overwhelm - August 2004
June 2004: Venus transiting the face of the Sun
Sedna - Part 1:
Universal Feminine – Awake!
Sedna - Part 2:
What does it all mean?
Q & A:
Uranus into Aries 2010
The Harmonic Concordance - 8th/9th November 2003
Reflections on 9/11
June 2001 - May 2002
May 2001 - Oct. 2001
March 2001
February 2001
Nov. 2000 - March 2001
Aug. 2000 - Nov. 2000

I'm emailing you because Nicki (my daughter) and I are finding that virtually everyone, no matter whether their lives are good or not, are feeling very down and unhappy and tired! (Including us sometimes!!!)

Is it just the change of weather or is something going on with the planets and, if so, how long will it last?

Love, Anne

Soul Astrology Answer:

Well, Anne, the first thing that strikes me is that we're on the brink of a full moon with the Sun in Scorpio (deep emotional stuff) and the Moon in Taurus (manifesting the results) to be complete around 4am ish by the clock, on 28th October, Thursday. It's a lunar eclipse – which tends to intensifies things. The Moon is eclipsed by the Earth getting in the way of the sun's rays, which points to material things obscuring the meaning, and lighter side, of the Sun's focus in Scorpio.

Mercury too, is in Scorpio and sextiling Chiron soon – so we are aware of the deep stuff and focusing on the wounds of Capricorn – that could be showing in the run up to the American election, and Blair agreeing to send British troops to support the American war moves. The political scene tends to be the obvious focus of the 'astrological weather', so we get to see what we are all personally contending with – having to make decisions which we are not too clear about, perhaps.

Saturn in Cancer and Mars in Libra are coming up to a square relationship on 7th November – that's about trying to keep peace with people like Bush trying to control things. Should be good for the fireworks parties on 5th and 6th November! Also, from 11th November Mars will begin travelling through Scorpio until 26th December, which adds intensity to the run-up to Christmas!

I think we just need to get on with what needs doing in our own patch, and bless the rest of the world on a regular basis. I do mean really bless them all – it's good practice for keeping our own higher contact. We need to regularly notice when things are getting too important - then take three deep breaths, and notice what is really around us at that moment.

Peace is an inner sense.

Love, Margaret

Poem - Peace

Peace is an inner sense. It's not outside
to be campaigned and fought for and enforced.
The enemy's within, the braggart mule,
the pontif, the complainer or the judge
who sit in council on my neighbours' ways
living on resentment, pain, revenge.

Peace is an inner sense that will be found
hidden behind the damage and desires.
Each hurt received, each bitter moment passed,
we need accept as just 'the way life was',
without denying rancour, guilt or shame,
but letting go to face the next surprise.

Peace is an innocence that sees us all
as individual drops in one great sea,
appreciates all efforts, leaves mistakes,
that plays with dreams, accepts necessity.
Till I can be at peace with all my thoughts
the world outside will battle, just like me.

Margaret Koolman - 1997