Pre 2005 Menu

Earthquake in the Indian Ocean and the consequent Tidal Waves – late December 2004
Q & A:
27th October 2004
Overwhelm - August 2004
June 2004: Venus transiting the face of the Sun
Sedna - Part 1:
Universal Feminine – Awake!
Sedna - Part 2:
What does it all mean?
Q & A:
Uranus into Aries 2010
The Harmonic Concordance - 8th/9th November 2003
Reflections on 9/11
June 2001 - May 2002
May 2001 - Oct. 2001
March 2001
February 2001
Nov. 2000 - March 2001
Aug. 2000 - Nov. 2000

I have been traveling through England for the last few weeks connecting with many people, and I am finding a general sense of 'overwhelm'. It isn't as heavy for everyone, but most people are feeling more pressure than normal, a feeling of things getting on top of them.

I think we are experiencing the coming together of Jupiter in Virgo and Pluto in Sagittarius into a square relationship. It will be exact on 6th/7th August, and then will fade away again. It seems to be about all the stuff of the material life not matching the bigger picture, and how we get strung out between those two perceptions.

The polarity between what we would like and what we are actually dealing with is always there, but at the moment it's exaggerated. The effect seems to be that whatever issues you may be dealing with, your feelings about them tend to be extreme. So if you are going through hard times, please know that you are not alone.

Part of the learning can be about our actual needs. So you might like to write down for instance, the very least money you can live on, or the most you can achieve in a specific time - without being too hard on yourself. Make it practical, just pair it down to the most efficient, and then see how that works in practise. To use both the Jupiter and Pluto to the best advantage, you need to see these times as both experimental and growthful.

If we think of the Zodiac signs as guidance for living, they will work for us in spite of being square to each other, so that the best of Virgo and Sagittarius work together. It is as though Jupiter is throwing more and more information and detail at us so that we will realise it is impossible to deal with it all. The solution is to select what is useful and just blow the rest away (delete the spam e-mails without wasting energy getting cross!)

Sagittarius is showing us the adventure of aiming high for what we want, our enthusiasm helping to create far more than we would have thought possible. It is from this perspective that we need to chose our aim, and then we can select what needs doing to promote that aim. Much of the rest can safely be ignored, or at least stored for later thought when there is less pressure.

Keep calm and hang in there, and by mid-August you might have found a different, and much more efficient, way of doing things!

Love, Margaret