
Below is a small sample of the feedback that I have received from my consultations:

“Thank you for my reading.  It was ‘spot on’, despite us not knowing my time of birth.  My wife listened with me to the CD and she said,” She’s got you spot on”.  How words repeat themselves.  You have given me a greater understanding the ‘why’ of myself.  You have given both my wife and I a greater understanding of why I am as I am and why I interact with others as I do.”  A.R. – UK

“Thank you also for restoring my confidence in myself and for your re-assurance that I still have something useful to give. I had lost my way, and you helped me find it.” E. K. – Somerset, UK

“I’ve listened to the tape of the session with you several times and reread my notes, always finding continued encouragement and insight.” B. L. – Hawaii, USA

“Thank you, thank you for our Astrology readings. It always amazes me how you hit the nail on the head!” K. M. – Nevada, USA

“I have listened to my tape many times and it has and is having a very liberating effect on me, very strengthening.” A. F. – Yorkshire, UK

“Thanks again for your support and caring. It never ceases to amaze me how astrology mirrors my experience. And you, my dear, are the best!” D.L. – California, USA

“Thank you very much for my Soul Purpose Astrology tape – yes, it seemed to come just at the right time for me. Everything you have said sounds just right to me and I have more confidence to listen to my own intuition. I am more determined to put the past behind me and make the most of the rest of this life.” Ms. L.T. – Shrewsbury, UK

“Each time I’ve seen you, I have had enormous benefit from your readings and your kindness and wisdom in the way you convey what you see, but this year’s was the most useful and profound yet, so a big Thank You. I am drawing comfort from seeing that the current turbulence and discomfort has some point after all, and the idea of there being something really useful coming in a few years time makes the present difficulties easier to cope with.” L.W. – e-mail, UK

“I took my Walkman and some tapes. One was your reading a year ago. I had time and quiet to really listen to it deeply and I was AMAZED. I kept muttering to myself: this woman is so brilliant. You really are amazing AND what I noticed prominently is the incredibly loving way you tell the person what you find. Truly remarkable. I’d forgotten some of it and there were a couple of things that stuck out that I really need to stay tuned and aware of about how I am in the world. So very very helpful. A heartfelt thanks for your gift, spirit and love.” P.L. – London, UK

“I just wanted to say a quick thank you for my reading on Monday.  It’s given me a lot of reassurance and insight and I think will prove to be very useful for the coming year.  You mentioned that you had a newletter…?  Would you be able to add me to your circulation if you do?”   E.H. – Gloucestershire,UK

I do email a letter to my ‘astrology e-list’ every New Moon, talking about the coming month in a way that is intended to be helpful, especially in these intense times.  If you would like to receive these, I can add your email address to the list.  And the letter is always uploaded onto my website, together with the video I put on at the same time, and can be seen by clicking on ‘Recently Added’ to the right of my home page.

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