2005 Menu

New Moon in Gemini – 6th/7th June 2005
(UT 21:56 = Orlando USA 5:56pm 6 June / UK 10:56pm 6 June / Brisbane Australia 7:56am 7 June)
New Moon in Scorpio -
2nd November 2005
Full Moon in Aries -
17th October 2005
New Moon in Libra -
3rd October 2005
Comments on 2003 UB313
Full Moon in Pisces -
17th/18th September 2005
New Moon in Virgo -
3rd/4th September 2005
New Moon in Leo -
5th August 2005
Saturn shifting from
Cancer to Leo (July 2005)
New Moon in Cancer -
6th July 2005
New Moon in Gemini -
6th/7th June 2005
Q & A:
From the Age of Pisces
into the Age of Aquarius
New Moon in Taurus -
8th May 2005
Q & A:
Moments and Events
- 20th April 2005
New Moon in Aries -
8th/9th April 2005
New Moon in Pisces –
10th March 2005
Q & A:
10th February 2005

The run-up:

May was a particularly emotional month, as Mars (representing our sensitive solar plexus) travelled through Pisces (no boundaries between us). On 2/3 June, Mars squared Pluto, pointing out the difficulty we often have in holding the greater picture, when we are involved empathising with people’s pain. Then on 5 June, there are three planetary events which offer a very positive conclusion to the last Sun/Moon cycle.

Firstly, Mars trines Saturn, both in water signs, pointing out that we are all liable to experience any of the results of everyone’s output. If we are floating about the Earth in the sea of humanity’s mental, emotional and physical output, then, no matter what we think, feel or do personally, we will still be bumping into the results of other people’s output. This doesn’t relieve us of all responsibility, because we are still adding our bit to the vibrations, and, when our bit is positive, it helps to lift the whole. It does mean, though, that we don’t have to feel personally responsible for the state of the world. It doesn’t help when we feel we should try to change things, out of guilt or missionary zeal. Those emotions tend to be a form of rejecting the way things are and, until we accept the facts, we can’t progress. Mars trining Saturn indicates that a measure of acceptance is possible, so that the decisions that manifest could be progressive.

The second event on 5 June is Jupiter’s return to forward movement through the Zodiac, so that whatever develops, out of decisions made at this time, will grow. For 4 months out of every 13, Jupiter appears to be retrograde, and we experience a slowing down in the growth of many projected plans. Sometimes we feel like retreating, or even completely withdrawing, from our projects during those four months. That is really the time for thinking again, rewriting our plans, ready to push forward later in a better, more up-to-date way. With Jupiter’s movement being direct over the next 9 months, this is the time for that expansion.

The third event on 5 June is Mercury briefly trining Neptune. We have the opportunity to consciously reach beyond our small selves, so that our decisions are inspired by spiritual guidance. What a foundation for the thought and communication of the New Moon in Gemini!

New Moon trine Neptune on 6/7 June

The Moon will reach the Sun in Gemini, just when it’s about to trine Neptune in Aquarius: a new beginning in harmony with the needs of humanity as a whole. With Mercury also trine Neptune, we are very likely to find communication easy and relevant during this new sun-moon cycle. As Neptune is retrograde in the chart, one thing we will need to watch out for is talking in negative terms about plans and decisions, or about other people. With Jupiter direct at last, now is the time we will be creating new images of what we want to achieve, and how we want to relate. It is so easy to fall into chatting in a way that is negative, and wasteful of energy. Sometimes it can be therapeutic to voice worries, but it can also reduce motivation, and criticising another person can hold them back. When we go forward in ways that help others, we are more successful.

During most of June, both Mercury and Venus will be moving fast through Cancer, bursting brightly into Leo together on 28 June. So communication is likely to be about family, about what care we need ourselves, and how to care for each other better. Health issues, and the care of children and old people, are all likely to be explored with a sense of their importance. On 12 June, Mars leaves sensitive Pisces, and enters Aries where action becomes imperative, so there may be a measure of impatience to get on with achieving all that is desired. When our actions appear to be blocked, we will need to be patient. Aries energy tends to go faster than the physical world can manage. The world is not really blocking us, but just presenting mental, emotional and physical considerations that need to be taken into account when manifesting plans.

On 22 June, the day after the Solstice, the Full Moon will be at the beginning of Capricorn, the Sun in Cancer. Perhaps this shows the determination to manifest those New Moon plans about caring for those in need. Whatever is planned in the first half of this cycle stands a good chance of happening in the second half. From the 28 June, it looks as if we’ll be in a mood for celebrating.


Meditation for this New Moon in Gemini:

The greater part of good communication is listening well.

Breathe into heart and mind, the fresh air of new ideas.
Breathe out into the world, a warm, caring flow of courage.