2009 Menu

New Moon in Aquarius - 26th January 2009  
New Moon in Sagittarius -
16 December
New Moon in Scorpio -
16 November
New Moon in Libra -
18 October
New Moon in Virgo -
18 September
New Moon in Leo -
20 August
Second New Moon in Cancer -
22 July
First New Moon in Cancer -
22 June
New Moon in Gemini -
24 May
New Moon in Taurus -
25 April
New Moon in Aries -
26 March
New Moon in Pisces -
25 February
New Moon in Aquarius -
26 January
A new US President!

We’ve just had the excitement of receiving a US President with a difference. The world watches with hope to see what he’ll do – let’s be careful not to make that hope into expectations. This is a time when no one knows what is to happen next. Our choice of attitude day by day will be making the difference between sand or oil in the machine of change - the grit of negative griping, or the balm of a smile, being prepared to give things a try to see what works!

The astrology of this inauguration is so full of good possibilities. The ‘transfer of power,’ when President Bush left the scene to President Obama, was at the moment that Gemini began to rise in Washington, DC, with the Moon just into Sagittarius on the Descendant – suggesting good communication, and a spirit of exploration in international relationships – Sagittarius knows there has to be better way, and is prepared to search for it. At that moment also, the North Node was exactly on the Midheaven in Aquarius, combining spiritual direction with efforts to achieve in the world. Mr. Obama spoke of honesty, loyalty and responsibility of citizenship, all Aquarian principles – definitely a good man for this time – not shirking the work of dealing with uncertainty, and possible hardship, that attend any transition.

Interestingly, the inauguration moment of President Bush eight years ago, was not an easy chart. Mars was on the Descendant, suggesting aggression in international relations, and there were many ‘hard’ aspects between planets. So Mr. Bush was the man who faithfully reflected that time. It’s not that we can change the times we live in by choosing a good man to lead; the times are what they are, and they draw forth the man to represent that energy, and to develop its potential. It’s always easier to see this with hindsight - perhaps it is not even possible to predict. This way of looking at things has the benefit that it allows us to accept what is happening NOW, and get on with daily life without guilt or blame.


The relationship between the planets has been fairly harmonious since mid-December 08. The major difficulty we may feel is the slow unfolding of Saturn opposing Uranus – stability facing instability, cautious or radical, conservative versus new solutions, holding to what you have as opposed to leaping into the unknown. All this gives a background, which we sense as exciting but uncomfortable, and the rest of the planets are supportive of this background and of each other. While most of the planets are moving through Aquarius (from Capricorn and later into Pisces) the only difficult aspects are coming from the Moon as it hurtles through the Zodiac each month, so this gives us the odd hard day or two every now and then, each challenge different from the last.

The way this Aquarian emphasis connects (quincunx) to Saturn in Virgo means that we feel better if we make what we do of value to others as well as ourselves. Attitudes and behaviour that is entirely self serving is likely to leave its proponents feeling victimised and helpless. It’s as though we all have an option at the moment. We can either make life about suffering, or accept what is around us and enjoy relating to others to make things as good as they can be, given the circumstances. The quincunx relationship draws a sharp distinction between these two alternatives, and I know which one I prefer!


This Aquarian New Moon

In this chart we have Sun and Moon, Jupiter, Chiron, Neptune and the North Node all in Aquarius, setting the scene for some original solutions. The problems may not have occurred in quite this way before, but the attitude of getting what one can for as little as possible is a permanent pitfall for those who feel the need to protect themselves. That is to say, if we think of ourselves as having to survive under the attack of circumstances - us versus them - we will naturally grasp for what we think we may need later. On the other hand, if we watch with interest while circumstances unfold, we find our way within the situation, and people tend to work together. The purely self-involved view isn’t appropriate for the Age of Aquarius!

On a personal level, this chart shows us prepared to put our shoulder to the wheel in principle (Mercury and Mars in Capricorn, both trine Saturn), possibly expecting to use old methods. The sextile to Venus and Uranus in Pisces reflects a sense of hope that possibly lacks personal direction. It’s as if we are ready to do what’s necessary as soon as someone has a good idea what that might be. As well as the three planets already in Aquarius, Mars and Mercury also enter Aquarius on 5 and 15 February, energising and clarifying new directives. Perhaps we’ll have a clearer idea what needs to be done as the month proceeds.


At the beginning of February, Venus (at present the beautiful evening star) starts to get upset with Pluto’s transforming power. She moves into Aries on 3 February emphasising the more self-involved view. In our relationships, we will feel inclined to take the position of ‘taking care of number one!’ The benefit of the Aries viewpoint is the courage to be clear and honest in the face of possible loss as a result. It takes courage to stand up for what you believe is best, when doing so might lose you friends and standing in the world. But this is what’s at risk anyway as people lose their jobs, and financial status, so Aries supports us to accept the truth, and relate to those who understand. On the other hand, try not to get too impatient with those nearest to you, including yourself.

From 14 to 17 February, the Aquarian emphasis is at its strongest, then first the Sun (18 Feb.) and later Mercury (8 March) move into Pisces emphasising the uncertainty we feel when adapting to changing organisation. The image that comes to mind is of standing on the sand as the tide comes in – that feeling as the sand is pulled from under your feet with each wave, and you wriggle your toes to find security at a deeper level.

However, the Aquarian New Moon chart itself has its hand over almost the whole of February, so the motivation behind whatever we do needs to include respect for individuals, honesty in all our dealings, and using our energy intelligently. I love that quote from the US President who took over after the Great Crash in 1929: ‘The only thing to fear is fear itself’! Aquarius stands back calmly, which allows for true vision, and inspired solutions.


Contemplation for this New Moon in Aquarius
Sit quietly for a moment breathing.
Notice the activity of your mind, what are you thinking?
How many things, subjects, situations, people, are going through your mind?
Now, how would you describe the quality of this thought process?
If this were you moving along the timeline of your life, how would you be?
gasping for breath? excitable, or staggering on with gritted teeth?
dreaming of a ‘better’ life, or resigned to what you have?
Allow your steady breathing to become more important.
Feel yourself sending a tap root from where you are sitting, deep into the earth,
and notice how the brain activity steadies when you do this.
Stay connected into the earth, drawing up nutrients into your energy flow.
Let the sap rise up your body into all the branches of your thought, feeding the leaves.
And as the sky over your head becomes night,
let your leaves be the stars that brighten the darkness,
holding heaven and earth in balance.
Try reconnecting to this balance throughout the day,
without judging forgetfulness.