2011 Menu

New Moon in Pisces - 4th March 2011  
New Moon in Capricorn -
24 December
New Moon in Sagittarius -
25 November
New Moon in Scorpio -
26 October
New Moon in Libra -
27 September
New Moon in Virgo -
29 August
New Moon in Leo -
30 July
New Moon in Cancer -
1 July
New Moon in Gemini -
1 June
New Moon in Taurus -
3 May
New Moon in Aries -
3 April
New Moon in Pisces -
4 March
New Moon in Aquarius -
3 February
New Moon in Capricorn -
4 January

Overdosing on Pisces . . .

Pisces is where boundaries get dissolved. Mercury in Pisces indicates a free flow of thoughts and communication, the ability to bring many previously inaccessible dimensions into consciousness; perhaps also empathic communicating, which brings understanding beyond the words used. Mars in Pisces indicates a free flow of energy that can result in individuals becoming very tired for no apparent reason.

In this month’s New Moon chart we have both Mercury and Mars in Pisces, as well as Chiron at the beginning and Uranus at the end. With such a strength of planets in the same sign as the sun and moon, this month promises to be a time of many changes, subtle, emotional, surprising, but not necessarily lasting.

Liberty versus necessity

We may well feel motivated to make the lifestyle changes that are so desperately needed globally if we are to create a better relationship with our planet (Mars sextile Pluto) but this could feel too large a project, everything we try seeming too puny to be worth doing. We will need to notice when feelings of guilt, fear, or apathy arise, and recognise that these are themselves a major energy drain. Also to be avoided is that sense of self-sacrifice which is so tiring: if you don’t want to do something, have the respect for yourself and the other to say so - kindly, of course.

If we go for our own betterment regardless of our conditions, we may find ourselves struggling with necessities, developing only in bursts (Jupiter in Aries squaring Pluto): we must take care not to go too far out on a limb, or the branch may well drop off - the tree in this case being the support structure of our friends, family and community. This difficulty eases off as the month progresses, and in particular 16 March could be a good day for understanding and sharing our dreams and desires for the future (Mercury joins Jupiter 11-12 Aries). Perhaps use 15-17 March to examine your real desires, and be open to notice how they might be achieved - opportunities to go ahead may show up sooner than we think.


The space within which we relate

The central theme of the month is how we are relating to each other, not just personally, but socially with all those we contact (Sun/Moon quincunx Saturn in Libra). So we could use the boundary-dissolving of consciousness (Mercury in Pisces) to enhance our recognition of the spirit within and behind each person, rather than seeing each other as just another personality taking up space in our lives.

From 2 to 27 March is a good time to take a fresh look at each relationship in our lives (Venus through Aquarius), stepping back from each person we love will give us a more accurate view of what that love is about, what it is that prompts our feeling of love, and how much it involves expectation of return. All our experience is really internal, so examining what is going on inside is a necessary part of understanding what is going on between us - easy to say, not so easy remembering to do it when busily chatting! But so worth the effort.

A larger view

On 12 March, Uranus moves from Pisces into Aries to stay for the next seven years. Events in the Middle East are giving us a good view of Jupiter in Aries, as millions of individuals are standing out for their own freedom - there is a distinctly Aquarian flavour, although the vast numbers gathering may reflect Uranus completing the last degrees of its seven years in Pisces. Possibly as Uranus moves into Aries, more and more individuals will stand out alone, to claim their ‘rights’. So perhaps now is a good time to examine how you yourself feel about human rights, where you draw the line in those matters of greatest importance to you.

Since 22 August 09, the North Node has been back-tracking through Capricorn - in this month’s chart it has just retrograded into Sagittarius, and will be moving over the Galactic Centre through the next few months. Perhaps we will find that it really is our beliefs that create the world we experience, and that those beliefs need to include, and be aligned with, a much larger perspective than our own little world, in order for us to feel at one, at peace, with life - the joy of Pisces!


Contemplation for this New Moon in Pisces

Take a moment to consider your past achievements
however apparently small they may seem.
Have you given yourself for them?

Consider each one
and what it developed in you,
and how that helped to create your next steps.
Let yourself smile at this path in your life
however meandering it may seem
however obvious it looks.

You are still on your life path -
not at the beginning, nor at the end.
The landscape shifts and changes as you go along,
people come and go,
moods and desires change,
all is ebb and flow.

Soften your inner gaze
so that you take in the larger landscape that surrounds you
sensing the colour, the distance, the space.
There is no need to know a destination.
Your life is an exploration
of each step you take.
Just open your eyes -
and explore.