2009 Menu

New Moon in Gemini - 24th May 2009  
New Moon in Sagittarius -
16 December
New Moon in Scorpio -
16 November
New Moon in Libra -
18 October
New Moon in Virgo -
18 September
New Moon in Leo -
20 August
Second New Moon in Cancer -
22 July
First New Moon in Cancer -
22 June
New Moon in Gemini -
24 May
New Moon in Taurus -
25 April
New Moon in Aries -
26 March
New Moon in Pisces -
25 February
New Moon in Aquarius -
26 January

The Gemini nature

Gemini’s symbol is the Roman numeral ‘two’ – II, the twins. It’s safe to assume that Gemini will need at least two of everything. In a world within time and space, movement, is constant: vibration, breathing in and out, heart beating, even walking uses alternate feet and we swing from one side to the other as we go. When there are two of anything, they communicate with each other, even the two sides of the brain.

Looking at the dual nature of those born with the Sun in Gemini, people often see the two sides of the character as light-hearted versus depressed. Actually, I think that the character shows clearly the difference between the logical and conceptual sides of the brain. In the West we tend to regard the logical ‘clever’ side of our mental ability as more important, and in this Gemini can excel. But the conceptual creative side also needs acceptance and expression, and when Gemini has not had encouragement in that area they can become quieter, and may get depressed. Every Gemini person needs to develop their creativity to keep their mental energy balanced.

Gemini-type people naturally make lots of changes, and likely have at least two books on the go at once. Ideas taken up brightly one day, may be dropped as ‘uninteresting’ in a week. The Gemini style is to take what meets them in each situation, and move on to the next. Their thoughts tend to flow along quickly, and they may happily treat you to every thought along their way. Or you may know a quieter Gemini who only lets you know from time to time where they’ve got to, and no clue as to the connection between the points – which doesn’t mean they’re unconnected.

Gemini is one of the three Air signs, along with Libra and Aquarius, all registering in the realm of ideas. Gemini is the one discovering what can be communicated by vibration of word or movement. And there’s always an endless amount more that can be thought or said about any of the signs!

Sensitivity and kindness work

The New Moon in Gemini on 24 May draws attention to our thinking, talking and general moving about. In the chart, it trines the North Node in Aquarius, so the feel of our communication just now is up-beat and full of possibilities. Its relationship with Pluto is not so smooth, another of those nudges to make sure we are remembering others in our plans. The more we just go for what we want ourselves, the more we are likely to feel guilty, or pressured, and plans will not work out as smoothly as they will if we consult before making firm choices.

The Aquarian respect for others, and sensitivity to their needs, has been receiving a focus of energy over the last month or so, showing us how we all feel better when we care for each other. Most of us are likely to be feeling a strong impulse to heal any rifts or misunderstandings that we notice left over from the past. All year, Chiron has been approaching Neptune in the later degrees of Aquarius, and just as the two come together, they are joined by Jupiter. Chiron indicates the time for healing, not always in a comfortable way, but always exposing the truth of situations. Chiron shows up in those situations where we have become stuck by pretending things may be as we hope, rather than accepting what we suspect they really are. This is where the truth really does set us free.

Last week and for the next couple of weeks, the changes are more noticeable as Jupiter joins the Chiron/Neptune pair, expanding out into our consciousness the need for healing, and its availability. The important thing is to register these promptings as valid when we feel them in social situations and in personal relationships. The truth is not only available, not only a good thing, it is essential. Don’t hold out for ‘being right’; accept whatever truth there may be in criticism when directed at you. And be sensitive and kind in your own delivery of truth, so that it is more likely to be received. You may notice that there is generally more sensitivity and kindness around during this time.


Here’s a thought about duality and 3-D

We happily speak of duality as the rule of this relatively real world we inhabit, but we also call it three-dimensional. What if duality refers to a two-dimensional view, like the horizontal plane. And the third dimension of the vertical, is the necessary extra that brings duality alive. So it would not just be that we have the two: masculine/feminine, inside/outside, up/down, giving/receiving, contracting/expanding, linear logical thought/conceptual thought, breathing in/breathing out. The third dimension would be showing us the rounded living truth, so that these pairs become only one perspective, one way of looking at reality, the living way being whole. You knew that!

. . . and a thought about meaning versus purpose

There are those of us who constantly look for meaning in everything to help us understand life, and this is a mental activity. It strikes me that understanding is just looking for a secure peg to hang ones mind. Whereas purpose is more about motivation, offering direction and energy to move and act in life. If this is true, it would really be more important in living our life to be aware of our purpose for action, rather than spending our energy trying to understand it all.

. . . and more thoughts for an Air sign

(chatting with my son Howard): we don’t know air’s there until it moves – wind and pressure, and our experience of sound; we breathe it in – oxygen, chi or prana or life energy; air contains so many elements, there are plants that live exclusively on air, turning it into the wondrous things they are; trees and all vegetation are the carbon-sink we rely on to clear the carbon-dioxide we produce – they breathe it in and breathe out the oxygen we use, keeping the carbon, so, as we gaze up at one of those huge leafy wonders, we could say that most of the tree’s weight is transformed air . . . hmmm . . . and it takes the carbon into the earth when it ‘dies’ . . . I think my thoughts are running away with me here :-).

There’s more to the mind than thought

We tend to feel that life is essentially a great mystery, and much energy goes into trying to understand it by thinking about it. We tend to get caught up in our thoughts about most things. We even tend to register our emotional reactions through the medium of thinking about them, and what we think happened to cause them. Gemini represents light quick movement, faster than thought. If we pay attention, we may find the gaps between thoughts. My personal way of making a gap when I notice my thoughts rambling on, is to say to myself a quick gentle ‘Shh!’ and stay aware of whatever shows up in the silence. I find that it ‘pings’ me into the present, if you know what I mean.

So you might like to try taking whatever moments your memory allows to ‘ping’ into the present, and notice life vibrating all around, and through, you. Although Gemini is the principle of mental activity and communication, it is also about the movement of being alive.

In the West we have made a duality of mind and heart, but the Eastern understanding of ‘mind’ includes heart. And yet we do accept that it is the heart that ‘knows’ the truth. So do use this month following the Gemini New Moon as an opportunity to become aware of the spaces between your thoughts, maybe tuning in to all the vibrant energy you need to live well, and in harmony with your surroundings, like a human tree breathing . . .


Contemplation for this New Moon in Gemini
Stop for a moment and imagine you can hear
a soft voice both inside your head and somehow also
whispering from the distance.
Look for me, look for me!
through everything you see, and sound you hear
through taste and touch, keep looking for me.
I’m hoping you will find me,
playing hide-and-seek with you through all you do.
But sometimes you must stop
your ceaseless chattering,
that commentary from your perspective
hides me from you so completely
you feel blind, and lost.
I am close to you,
living your cells, radiating your heart
and smiling at you from your world,
just loving you.
Play with me,
each day will be puzzle to enjoy. . .’
And the voice becomes so soft
you can no longer hear it,
but you know it is singing to you constantly.