We need to stand up into our adult bodies,
to be fit members of our community,
and reliable friends to our friends.
Please go for the gist of what is written, applying it to your life where it seems relevant.
Capricorn – the ground beneath our turbulent lives
. The big life lesson in this New Moon chart is being with loss (Sun/Moon/Venus squaring Uranus). When any major change occurs, something must be let go, something we have become attached to if only through habit, but often because it is known and has become comfortable. This month is demanding big changes that can lead to a new life (Jupiter sextile Pluto) and, life being the moving force, it is the events in our lives that seem to take from us what we may have wished to keep. Even when we want to move forward, and the changes are desired, letting go of the past still requires that we release our grip, and see what we identified with slipping away. It can be frightening, and it does tend to hurt.
. The loss brings grief, a time of adjustment to a perceived gap, and we become better able to let go of what is gone by being with the pain of grief rather than becoming stuck in the memory of what has passed as though nothing changed. It is also important not to leap into the new state without passing through the grief of the loss, because that pain will simply remain as a lump of undigested emotion, and will arise again blurring the truth of future situations, and magnifying our reactions beyond what is relevant then. We may know these things, but working through the feelings is always new.
Growing up, to fit oneself for community
. What we mainly need to let go is any cavalier playfulness that may have been such fun in the Sagittarian weeks just gone – it tends to show in us as a bit more child than adult. Capricorn shows us those aspects of life where we need to take responsibility for our personal surroundings, we need to own up to how we ‘let our life get to this pitch’ (whatever ‘this’ may be for you). What we see in our life depends almost completely on how we look at it. So a re-evaluation is required of our general attitudes and our habitual ways of doing things, which all add up to create what we have grown to expect in life – our personal way of limiting life’s gifts.
. I want to share Kaypacha’s latest words:
If I’m going to make a change,
I commit to something new
and use self-control and discipline
to do what I have to do.
. Any heaviness we may feel at this time can be transmuted into a commitment to the work that we know needs to be done in order to achieve that desired shift onto the next step in our lives. Let’s feel out what we need to do, and steadily, determinedly go for it (Mars in Scorpio). We need to be steady in our attitude, because movement isn’t always so smooth, and we will need to be patient with ourselves when old habits revive and trip us up (Mercury in Capricorn).
Full Moon – play follows work
. The second half of the month has a much lighter flavour (as Mars moves into Sagittarius, sextile Mercury on the brink of Aquarius at the Full Moon on 31 January). Perhaps having dealt with much of what life has just delivered to us, and achieved some basic moves, we may feel more inclined to experiment a bit, take some time off, or reach out to join with others.
. Since the beginning of January, our openness to, and acceptance of, life is being tested (Venus moving with the Sun). We are being called to acknowledge our connectedness with the rest of humanity, and all living things. So those places in us where we harbour prejudice, where we reject or feel rejected, or where we cut off from an aspect of life because we think it has nothing to do with us – those places are being shown up in the light. We are being called on to love life itself, and accept all forms.
. At the Full Moon (the Sun and Venus stand either side of the South Node in Aquarius, pointing at the Moon in Leo on the North Node), it is being made clear that we got ourselves born in order to relate to the wholeness of life, all things of equal value, in order to birth the joy of loving in our hearts. Personally, it’s about loving the people, whoever they may be, and the spiritual growth involved when you simply offer the warmth of friendship (Moon quincunx Neptune).
Let Saturn’s steady practicality be your guide
. All through this month, there may be huge events happening that require much adjustment personally, but the background need is steadfast application to the practicalities of our daily living (all month there are no major aspects to Saturn in Capricorn, except from the Moon). Saturn is the planet whose energy is most like the Capricorn character, and we will do best if we work in Saturn’s own style, which is: Do what you need to do day by day, and the changes and growth will get on by themselves! The next New Moon shows a different story.
Contemplation for this New Moon in Capricorn
Watching a rose
opening its petals one by one,
becoming stuck, one petal inhibited by the slow opening of another –
you are the rose and your necessary unfolding at this time
requires that you identify and feel each hindrance as your own.
Never assume that your discomfort comes from outside.
The world in which you live can, at best, only trigger your state.
The world is the wind, rain and sun
to the rose bud of your unfolding beauty.
Be kind to the world, with gratitude.
And be kind to yourself
the beauty that unfolds is beyond your inner perception.
But your world sees your growth and supports you
quietly marvelling at the changes.
With love.
Hi Margaret,
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