Focus on what you’re doing, allowing presence to be your inner space –
you will never be here like this again!
Please go for the gist of what is written, applying it to your life where it seems relevant.
Virgo – focus on what you’re doing!
. The chart for this New Moon is very interesting, and certainly different. There are three planets, as well as the Sun and Moon, all in Virgo. I suspect that, with relief, we are tackling and sorting out all manner of jobs that have been gathering during the last couple of months of Leo self-expression.
. Virgo is determined to get things done, making room for bigger projects by dealing with the bits, so it’s very easy to seem to be getting distracted from the main things by sorting something we may have thought of as unimportant. Just keep going, because everything that gets combed through, simplified and put back, clears and frees up a part of our mind and psychic space.
. The New Moon itself is calling us to face squarely the needs of those who have suffered lately from natural ‘disasters’, as well as from misguided violence (Sun/Moon exactly opposite Chiron in Pisces). We can help and, as part of the human race, it serves each of us to be part of the solution to distress and inequality (Sun/Moon quincunx Uranus in Aries; Jupiter in Libra quincunx Chiron). What we are willing to do for another, we need to do for ourselves first, or our actions have less conviction and potency.
We are responsible for our own inner experience
. In the meantime, although it may sound harsh, it is up to each person to reach out for what they need, trusting that we will all pull together. We continually create what we unconsciously believe, and those that fall through the net are still responsible for their own inner experience, just like the rest of us (Saturn in Sagittarius trine the North Node and Uranus). As long as we hold out our hands to help in whatever way we can, we are doing our bit. But again, we each need to remember to take care firstly of ourselves so that we can go on being supportive, even though it may seem that we could do more (Jupiter in Libra opposing Uranus in Aries). Your bit is enough – you don’t have to save the world on your own!
We are responsible for our expression
. Even in relationships, we may find ourselves needing to step back and give more considered responses (Venus just into Virgo trine Uranus; Mercury with Mars in Virgo). Which is not to say we will shirk the truth, but speak with greater awareness of possible repercussions (Mercury/Mars opposite Neptune). We might also find ourselves uncertain as to what the truth might be, perhaps even ready to admit that we don’t know – which always helps heartful communication. The value of uncertainty and a good amount of space, will be important to remember, because we are liable to be communicating about transformational stuff, and following through ‘like a dose of salts’ as they say (first Mercury, and then Mars, will be trining Pluto).
. Another side of our connectedness with each other is a tendency to judge those we don’t understand. Irritation can follow judgement, when we think we know better than another, and yet greater wisdom must contain everything that happens, knowing there must be a pattern to it all even if we don’t know what that is.
Be yourself kindly
. The second half of the month is perhaps more testing. In our relationships, we will have to make those changes where things will never be the same again (Venus/Mars trine Pluto). We may well understand what is necessary (Sun conjunct Mercury in Libra square Pluto), but circumstances could be unhelpful, and putting our decisions into practice could be difficult (Venus/Mars in Virgo squaring Saturn, while Saturn squares Chiron).
. It will be so important to maintain the bigger view, rather than getting bogged down in irritably blaming someone else for any blocked conditions. We need to notice if we are becoming arrogant or judgemental, and find a wiser view. This time is about maintaining a positive outlook: warmth, humour, friendliness, (Saturn trine Leo North Node); patience, and acceptance of difference and the need for space (Saturn sextile Aquarius South Node).
Clean up your mental act while the light is on it
. During the entire time, the vacillation between doing too much for the other and pulling back into selfishness dogs our relationships (Jupiter opposite Uranus). Better if we can be true to ourselves while recognising what is needful for each other, rather than simply desirable. We need to be as compassionate for ourselves as for others – just to do our best in the moment, and move along.
. Saturn is moving towards completion of his term in Sagittarius, where the lessons we’ve had since the beginning of 2015 all show up for revision before the Capricorn lessons begin. So we get to see very clearly the results of our thinking and beliefs, whether we like them or not, and there is still time to adjust our attitudes before the spotlight moves on and our philosophical understanding becomes less conscious.
Contemplation for this New Moon Virgo
Above all, be present –
be present to yourself, and to your surroundings.
This you can only do when your heart and mind are open enough
to accept without judgement whatever is in this moment.
Allow your world to whirl around you
as you stand silent and still.
Breathe your heart open to the vastness of love
until you contain everything
in this still point.
You are doing enough,
just be the love,
for that is what the world needs from you most.
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