2015 Menu

New Moon in Aquarius - 20th January 2015  
New Moon in Sagittarius-
11th December
New Moon in Scorpio-
11th November
New Moon in Libra-
12/13th October
New Moon in Virgo -
13th September
New Moon in Leo -
14th August
New Moon in Cancer -
15/16th July
New Moon in Gemini -
16th June
New Moon in Taurus -
18th May
New Moon in Aries -
18th April
New Moon in Pisces -
20th March
New Moon in Aquarius (2) -
18th February
New Moon in Aquarius -
20th January
Needing an Aquarian viewpoint

In recent weeks, there has been a huge focus on violent action - perhaps even more just this last week (Mars into Pisces squaring Saturn). Along with the huge media coverage of violence world-wide, we are all being forced to confront our own negative beliefs. The stronger this tendency in us towards automatic negative reactions, of course the worse our life will be seem to be.

Individuals everywhere are involved in this as the issues become more and more personal through apparent attacks on our rights, our survival needs, our spiritual viewpoints (Mars conjuncts Neptune in Pisces).

At this New Moon in the first degree of Aquarius, we are being called to rethink, and develop a fairer, more inclusive, model. We can only do this if we distance ourselves from the emotional soup of religious feeling that is being stirred up. We need to be aware that we are all being exposed to this soup, not only as it is now, but also the whole of history that lead to it - no boundaries. This month, it is the humanitarian viewpoint that receives the Light, and each individual’s positive action is blessed (Mercury/Venus in Aquarius opposite Jupiter).

Staying positive through difficulties

During the next three weeks, the whole pattern behind what has been going on since early January will be examined (Mercury moves retrograde back to the beginning of Aquarius, where it started on 5 January,). We each have the opportunity to check what part we played in any difficulty we’ve been going through. The idea is to recognise what past orientation, mind-set or assumption, we have, which now needs to be dropped, so that we can move more gracefully with circumstances as they are. From 11 February (Mercury direct again), we will find it easier to re-work those awkward situations, as long as we remain in charge of our own emotional boundaries, and resist being programmed by the ‘news’.

I think the main test for us all this whole month is to maintain contact with the Light. We each need to remember what we truly know, that it’s all spirit in one form or another, and that the pattern is held in spiritual wholeness, no matter whether we understand it or not.


At this time, individuals anywhere are liable to burst into violent action. This may be reflected in earth activity - weather and earth movements - energy pushing at whatever appears controlling or fixed, or is in the way of innovative action (we are moving into the last of the seven squares that Uranus in Aries makes to Pluto in Capricorn, from the earth’s point of view - exact in mid-March: they’ve been happening since 2012, with the build up for some years before that. Uranus is on the South Node receiving a boost from Jupiter in Leo).

That is to say: energy is pushing at the blocks to growth like tree roots under a house. Cutting down the tree may not be the best solution - the house may have to be rebuilt in a more appropriate place, with more flexibility, and in future the area weeded of inappropriate trees. The ‘tree’ may symbolise an ideology, a deep rooted spiritual need, or an inaccurate interpretation of a religious scripture. But the ‘houses’ are how we live day to day with each other as people of differing outlooks, and fighting ‘trees’ doesn’t help us. There needs to be room for all of us in society. Even though we are not all the same, we have the same value as human beings, deserving the same respect even though it may be necessary to curb behaviour (Aquarius).



In personal terms, all this can be seen in any conflict you may be having with someone else, or with a situation. Grappling with it hand to hand isn’t going to work. What’s needed just now is standing back and accepting how the other person is. They will not become like you, and communication is going to require that you incorporate their abilities, styles and short-comings into the picture, and relate to them as the human spirit who has that personality.

After all, none of us has the whole picture, nor can we fully appreciate the viewpoint of another person with their unique history. If we can come from this position, we have the humility that allows us to work with others happily. I have developed phrases which I find helpful:

What I think and say doesn’t matter enough to over-ride loving kindness.

And also:

‘I hear what you say, but I don’t necessarily know how you feel or what you mean.’

These statements are relevant to my nature and knee-jerk reactions - you need to find statements which are relevant to yours. The best we can do is work on it!


From the Full Moon on 3 February, the power of love could be winning through, bringing positive creative expressions that uplift us (Pluto and a Piscean Venus to Moon/Jupiter in Leo) and reassure us that being free does not mean cut off (Uranus trine Moon/Jupiter).

Shifting into the Aquarian Age

This whole month, we will be subjected to mass emotional reactions, which are liable to be blown out of proportion by media ‘news’ (all of it, plus Mars through Pisces, over Neptune and Chiron). We need to maintain control of our thoughts; we need to keep clearing away the emotions that we ourselves are not generating, and take care not to harbour negativity in our own space. We are in charge of, and responsible for ourselves and how we communicate, not how that is received.

If you feel hugely drawn to focus on the devastations somewhere else in the planet, either go there and help, or contribute money or time towards assisting others to help. Don’t just rant about it, or worry through the small hours. When it all gets too much (or even before!) give the situations and people all to the Light so that life may unroll as it needs to. The more of us letting the Light through our thoughts and emotions into our daily lives, the sweeter the changes will be, and perhaps the quicker they may be resolved.


Contemplation for this New Moon in Aquarius

Lift the wings of your mind out wider
letting your eyes see a growing expanse of life.
Stay linked to your body as you sit or move about
and let your heart span the distance
between feet and inner Light.

Your history is simply the ground beneath you,
not intended to rise into your stomach or throat,
but to be recognised as your unique viewing platform.
Your beliefs are for your own strength and direction
as are the beliefs of each individual on earth.

Go forward in kindness - it’s the only way
to reach the truth in another and in yourself.
And never let Fear be your guide -
he knows only the land of shades and shadows.
You can trust your inner Light.