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New Moon in Aquarius - 10th February 2013  
New Moon in Sagittarius -
2 December
New Moon in Scorpio -
3 November
New Moon in Libra -
5 October
New Moon in Virgo -
5 September
New Moon in Leo -
6 August
New Moon in Cancer -
8 July
New Moon in Gemini -
8 June
New Moon in Taurus -
10 May
New Moon in Aries -
10 April
New Moon in Pisces -
11 March
New Moon in Aquarius -
10 February
New Moon in Capricorn -
11 January

Aquarius with a strength
in Pisces . . .

These signs are very different expressions of a principle they share: that of community. Aquarius expresses the organisational logical side where we are all separately meant to offer our individual skills for the benefit of humanity as a whole. Pisces expresses the sense of connection that comes from empathising with the human condition - sharing the entire spectrum of human possibility, a sense of oneness with others. The combination allows everyone to feel the oneness of human life, as well as being ones valuable self. Water is the medium that reflects what is above it, puddles bring the blue sky down onto earth - emotional responsiveness brings our ideas into a workable form through sensitive ‘reflection’.

To do or not to do . . .
an Aquarius question

In this chart the Sun/Moon is joined by Venus (in Aquarius 2 to 25 February), reminding us of our responsibilities to each other, to be a loyal friend, to generously help our neighbours, to sign the petition for whatever principle will make the world a better place for every individual person (Venus trine Jupiter in Gemini). On the down side, we may give ourselves and/or others a hard time for not being model citizens, or profess a clarity and detachment that is not entirely true (in this chart Venus squares Saturn in Scorpio).

We need to own up to how we really feel about someone, or whether we really want to do the ‘right’ thing. Doing things only because we think we should attaches a measure of resentment to the action, which doesn’t feel so good on the receiving end. On the other hand, feeling you should do something for others could be your natural social conscience kicking in. If this is the case, you might find you can add a sense of ‘why not, this could be a rewarding experience’ that does away with the resentment.

Sometimes we hold back from a ‘good’ action because we’re afraid of being pulled into something we can’t get out of. This is not generally a fear of outside pressure, although it may superficially feel like that. Underneath, it’s a lack of trust in ourselves that we will be realistic about how much we have to give. But we are capable of making, and keeping to, our own boundaries. We have the power to go into a situation keeping an escape route open; it’s a matter of letting others know where we stand.

There’s no need to feel guilty that what you want to give is less than someone else may be offering. We are all different and have different gifts to give, and different needs. The Aquarian need is for enough space to remain in touch with our inner truth, which can so easily be lost when let the pressure from outside get to us. Guilt plays into the hands of those who try to use another’s energy to accomplish their own desires. It serves them better to help them learn how to get what they want themselves.

Pisces - let the Angel of yourself take care of you

(In this chart, Neptune and Chiron in Pisces contain Mars and Mercury, all leaving a square with Jupiter, and heading into a trine with Saturn in Scorpio)

This month, we are offered a beautiful opening to spiritual input, both loving and wise. To be aware of the Angel of ourself, we need to be open to the delicate movements of spiritual force within our own system. For some this is through their body’s systems, the amount and quality of energy in your solar plexus, or the state of your nervous system shown through tiredness , for others it could be those tiny thoughts that whisper through the noise of the rattling brain. But this month, the gentle intuitive healing thought-flow comes through our emotional empathic awareness.


The difficulty with this would be that we are capable of picking up whatever emotions are around including fear, anxiety, anger, nameless rage even. We are susceptible to human suffering of any kind, as well as human joy. Pisces does not discriminate what it lets through. You may already have been having this kind of experience from thinking too much about your latest challenges while subject to the fears of the world (Pisces planets squaring Jupiter) - the resulting thoughts can get very worrying, and a lot of that worry might not really be yours.

But during this first week (Pisces planets trining Saturn), you will find that any kind of discipline in your emotional, artistic and spiritual energy, will monitor what flows in, giving you a clear channel to connect directly with the spirit of yourSelf. Meditating, focusing on expressing inspiration through painting or writing, or simply going for a walk with a view to appreciating the beauty of Nature - any activity that aims towards the Light will be rewarded with illuminating Truth. This time can give you the understanding of your own emotional depths that you have been needing for personal growth, and insight into your relationships.

Go for the inner changes you need to make!

We have until the middle of April to focus on improving our awareness of these subtle levels of our communication (22 February to 17 March, Mercury will be retrograding through Pisces, only leaving it for Aries on 14 April). And, from the full moon on 27 February, our relationships will benefit hugely from an empathic approach (Venus into Pisces). Part of the benefit of this time is being able to see what the matter has been, in any situation, so we can correct whatever exacerbates it. It isn’t always easy to accept the truth when it is offered, but now is the time when accepting what comes to us and working with it, rather than wishing it wasn’t so, can bring the transformations we’ve been wanting for so long (Pisces planets sextile Pluto as they trine Saturn).

Humour helps

One of the possible negative effects of having to face the truth (any Saturn connection may bring this) is a sense of heaviness, which can feel depressing - a phrase that comes to my mind is ‘bowing to the inevitable’. In today’s language we might say that we need to accept and work with ‘what is’, a somewhat more positive response, and the best way to lighten our mood is through humour. You know how sometimes there’s a build-up of little things bring more awkward than usual: we can get quite irritated, but we can also stop and laugh at the situation. It’s like being caught on a funny video - becoming your own audience changes the mood completely.

. . . a thought about the astrological view of moments . . .

There is a degree to which we can all use the astrological information to make adjustments in our approach to daily experience, but the other indication we get from the planets is the significance of our present experience. So, if just now you are having amazing artistic or spiritual inspiration, or life changing events, the planets alignment this month validates the importance to you of these experiences; they show that ‘the time is right’ for such growth. The would be seen in your own birth chart by the connections between your natal planets and their present positions.

But if your experiences are not so momentous (the present planetary positions not connecting with your natal planets), it simply suggests that this is not the time for you to make hugely life-changing strides; you will have done a lot already in your growth pattern, and you probably have a lot ahead of you.

And we can all use this time to hone our listening skills, both to others and also our inner voice. We all move with our own unique timing throughout our lives, growing the tree of ourselves into its potential, always experiencing the point on this path where we are now. Stand with yourself in your own movement, and stand by others in theirs - the spirit of us all is One.


Contemplation for this New Moon in Capricorn

There is a pathway through the woods
that reveals itself to the eyes of your soul.
Each soul sees its own path
although you walk that path with all humanity.
Be humble as you walk, yet with your head held high
for your perceived path is glorious in the Light you love.
Be humble
because those beside you walk in their glory also.
Each one’s experience is of the glory of One,
yet that experience is uniquely
one’s own.
Be humble in the face of another’s struggle
and in their joy also,
for each one of you is loved
more than human frailty can believe.
You are safe -
trust your greater Self.