2012 Menu

New Moon in Aries - 22nd March 2012  
New Moon in Sagittarius -
13 December
New Moon in Scorpio -
13 November
New Moon in Libra -
15 October
New Moon in Virgo -
16 September
New Moon in Leo -
17 August
New Moon in Cancer -
19 July
Second New Moon in Gemini -
19 June
New Moon in Gemini -
20/21 May
New Moon in Taurus -
21 April
New Moon in Aries -
22 March
New Moon in Pisces -
21 February
New Moon in Aquarius -
23 January

Aries -

this may be a short letter, but hopefully straight to the point. Except that we all have our own point to make, don’t we? Something about being an individual seems to require us to find the differences, be right, make sure we are being heard (Mercury and Uranus either side of the Aries Sun/Moon). But the way life is these days, the changes that we are finding essential can be experienced as ‘the group’ being more important than the individuals, and the egos we all have may want to rebel this month (the Aries bunch squaring Pluto).

Mars rules -

Some of Aries’ characteristics stem from a drive for survival through continual fast forward movement, which is expressed by Mars energy. As Mars appears to be moving slowly backwards through Virgo at the moment, all that Aries drive could be moderated by a sense of needing to get things right; but Uranus’ presence so close to the New Moon suggests that impatience or frustration are likely to break out from time to time. It’s worth noticing how irritation is really suppressed anger, or even rage, about something else. The jabbing hurtful comments do not reduce the inner turbulence - it’s better to get to your true feelings and their apparent causes in order to change the mood.

It can be quite liberating to recognise and own up to our anger about whatever ‘it’ is, and feel the personal strength it indicates, rather than flapping it about over other people as though our feelings were their fault! We may also uncover other emotions in the process: sadness, anxiety about being confused, the hurt of that place in us that receives our criticism (Mars is opposite Neptune and Chiron).

The way to use this planetary pattern well is to turn one’s creativity towards helping out. We can still do what we want to do in our own way, as long as it benefits others as well as ourselves (Mars quincunx Uranus).


To do, or not to do?

If we persist in trying to get our own way in the face of what is manifesting round us, we are likely to feel that the great machine of ‘fate’, or ‘world events’, or ‘government’, is driving over our little lives (Mars trine Jupiter trine Pluto who squares Uranus in Aries). In truth this is a great opportunity to pull together in the true Aquarian way, where we acknowledge the gifts that each one may have, and honour every one as a necessary part of the whole.

It really is important to focus on what is going on in our immediate surroundings, rather than worrying about the future, or what the ‘news’ tells us about the rest of the world. It’s funny how we know that to get from A to B we need to actively move in that direction but we so often expect something to be how we would like it without taking an active part in making it so.

I am, or I AM

Aries can represent the courage of the individual, prepared to stand alone for what they believe or ‘know’ - this is on the level where we experience ourselves as separate. On the level of Oneness, Aries offers the experience of the great I AM All That Is, where humility bends the egoic knee, and the personality becomes a conduit for the flow of heavenly purpose through earthly experience. However, most of us will just need to watch our tempers when a situation, or person, demands excellence, or suggests caution, or calls for co-operation!

This New Moon focuses us on daring to be the individual that we are, and finding a way to play that part in the whole pattern of movement and change. Because each one is necessary for Life’s great tapestry to show the complete picture. We need to appreciate our skills and gifts, no matter how mundane or unnoticed they may be - not to have pride of ownership, but rather to feel personal joy in sharing them.


Contemplation for this New Moon in Aries

Make yourself comfortable.
The physical is essential for this life you live,
your support and your home.
This is your launch pad for the mental comet
following ideas like bright stars.
Never lose touch with your ground,
or health may become an issue -
a necessary distraction
from ego-effort.

Now - come,
open your mind without thought!
because there are solutions
to your most devastating problems,
there for the open transparent mind,
for the open chalice of the heart.

Empty yourself of self
to feel the dappling flow of life
ripple over your senses.
Love is the master of the universe
and its passing across
leaves peace and a smile
in its wake.