2011 Menu

New Moon in Aquarius - 3rd February 2011  
New Moon in Capricorn -
24 December
New Moon in Sagittarius -
25 November
New Moon in Scorpio -
26 October
New Moon in Libra -
27 September
New Moon in Virgo -
29 August
New Moon in Leo -
30 July
New Moon in Cancer -
1 July
New Moon in Gemini -
1 June
New Moon in Taurus -
3 May
New Moon in Aries -
3 April
New Moon in Pisces -
4 March
New Moon in Aquarius -
3 February
New Moon in Capricorn -
4 January

12 or 13 or 14 Zodiac Signs?

The plan is that all the constellations that touch the ecliptic (that is, the line the sun appears to travel as we go round it) are part of the Zodiac. Traditionally there are twelve and they are all of very different sizes. Every now and then astronomers notice another one, and recently someone has said to the media that one of the corners of the constellation Ophiuchus just about touches the line between Sagittarius and Capricorn, so it should be counted. Last time I noticed this issue was many years ago when some people wanted to add Arachne between Taurus and Gemini.

Nothing has changed of course - whatever is out there from our point of view, has been for a very long time. The thing that I have not been able to get my head round is: who says what stars are in what constellation, and how large each constellation is? This is a rhetorical question, and irrelevant anyway. Because the Zodiac we use in Western Astrology is not related to the constellations at all (except when we refer to the precession of the Equinoxes and the Age of Aquarius, and so on). For us - and for astronomers, and for travellers by sea - 0 degrees Aries in the sky is that point where the sun is at each Spring Equinox, and, with respect to the constellations, it changes very slightly every year. Astronomers and navigators also call that point 0 Aries, and measure from it through 360 degrees to plot positions in the sky. Astrologers also measure from 0 Aries to plot positions in the sky, but in 12 groups of 30 degrees, the size of each Sign: 12 x 30 = 360 degrees - it’s the same circle.

The twelve characters of the Zodiac Signs that we use in astrology are partly based on our experience of the seasons in the Northern hemisphere: Aries springing up like the first two leaves of new plants, Virgo with her sheaves of corn at the start of harvesting, Capricorn in the dark winter where we are glad if we had the wisdom to store food for the cold, and so on. So for us, using what we call the Tropical Zodiac (sun directly above the Tropic of Cancer in our summer, the Tropic of Capricorn in our winter) the size and position of the constellations is completely immaterial, and our interpretations remain unaffected - at least, mine do.

Aquarius New Moon

For all that Aquarius is the Water Pourer, it is an air sign, so showing us an angle on thought and ideas, and communicating them. I see the ‘water’ pouring from his container as energy rather than liquid, flowing through our nervous system and brain. There is in the character an ability to step back from what is observed, so that it can be understood dispassionately.

This New Moon is in the middle of Aquarius (within one degree of Mars and in harmony with Saturn in Libra) so discussions of a theoretical kind, like the above, are most appropriate. Let’s not get too contentious, though - as I was a bit, talking about a 13th Sign! - because it suggests a mind closed in some direction or other. With Mercury in Capricorn (linking very friendly with Uranus and Jupiter) our thoughts will probably be occupied with problems in our everyday material world, hopefully coming up with some interesting, down to earth solutions. As long as we remain open to new ideas, we free ourselves to develop our own views instead of being held captive by tradition, or old expectations of how our lives would continue.


Courage to find what is new

Aiming for personal growth is essential at this time, if we are to maintain a sense of optimism (Jupiter is now in Aries until early June). This means letting go of what we have found to work in the past, or of who we have thought ourselves to be, not knowing what is to become of us, or what we are to become (Jupiter squaring North Node and Pluto in this chart). This is why Aries looks so courageous as it dashes into the unknown, but it doesn’t necessarily feel like courage on the inside, just doing what you have to do as you go along.

The optimism this month comes through sharing our experiences with each other, maybe learning something from the conversation, maybe just realising that everyone is facing change and uncertainty (Venus in Sagittarius). However, from 4 February, it will be our relationships that keep our feet on the ground when we are wanting to blast unprepared into the future (Venus moves into Capricorn and squares the Aries Jupiter). That first week could bring us into alignment with measures and balances that sort out any difficulties we may have been facing (Sun/Mars move into exact trine to Saturn in Libra).

The unseen companions

This month, we could feel a strong and effective connection with spirit, which is capable of transforming our experience of love (9/10 February, Chiron moves into Pisces to stay for a few years, in the process sextiling the Moon’s North Node; at the same time Venus connects with Pluto). Whether or not you feel the need of angelic help, remember as often as you can to open your heart to the love that surrounds and fills us, flowing through our veins, the reality of our life. In pounding forward, with ourselves at the centre of our lives, we can feel very alone (emphasised while Jupiter is in Aries) while the reality is far more like a companionship all watching with us and looking through our eyes at the wonder of what happens. All we have to do to receive help from that togetherness is remember to express our understanding so far, and ask. Don’t wail emotionally about your need - that tends to block what is trying to reach you; just ask for help as though you believe it will come. After each question, notice that silent moment before your brain starts answering. That is the space for inspiration to arrive, bringing ideas you couldn’t find before. It is the moment where we feel alive - Jupiter in Aries may be the foolhardy dash to a desired goal, but it is also the perfect focus for being in the shining presence of Now.


Contemplation for this New Moon in Aquarius

Love is the only thing.
Deep, powerful, tender, connecting,
sweet, expanding, all-embracing.

Consider for a moment
why you would strive and strain
for anything else.
Now check what you normally strive for
and see in what way it serves
love in your life.

You may be surprised to find
that love underpins everything important to you.

It only remains to remember
to hold the loving
in the work
as you strive for your important result,
and all things will work out
according to your sweet soul’s desire