2006 Menu

New Moon in Scorpio - 20/21 November 2006  
New Moon in Sagittarius -
20 December 2006
New Moon in Scorpio -
20/21 November 2006
New Moon in Libra -
22 October 2006
New Moon in Virgo -
22 September 2006
New Moon in Virgo -
23 August 2006
New Moon in Leo -
25 July 2006
New Moon in Cancer -
25 June 2006
New Moon in Gemini -
27 May 2006
New Moon in Taurus -
27 April 2006
New Moon in Aries -
29 March 2006
New Moon in Pisces -
28 February 2006
New Moon in Aquarius -
29 January 2006

>> Click here to see the chart <<

In the last New Moon missive,
I said:

‘. . . feeling you’ve been climbing a cliff face . . . hanging in at the last step . . . those last pieces that need to be let go so that you can get to the top by the end of November . . .’

That has been the feeling during the run-up to this New Moon (on 20 or 21 November depending where you live). It has been especially hard for so many of the people I’ve met recently, that I am reminded of ‘the darkest hour’ being just before the dawn. This Scorpio New Moon is within a degree of Jupiter, and on 24 November Jupiter moves at last into Sagittarius, the sign he is said to rule. Sun, Moon and Jupiter together at the end of Scorpio reflect the final wave in this tide of revealing events that has been rising for so many people. This next month, the emotional tide goes down.

Jupiter through Scorpio . . .

Jupiter travels through Scorpio for one year in every twelve. During that year, we discover the truth about what has really been working away beneath the surface for years – old stuff, habits, the assumptions we make, and expectations way out of date. We often fool ourselves that all is well, while fundamental errors in our thinking and beliefs about life eat away at our fantasy world. Eventually, erroneous thinking may bring about situations like failing relationships, illness, or awkward material circumstances. The last few days that Jupiter is in Scorpio could feel like the ‘darkest hour,’ where everything we have been trying not to see comes out of the depths and into our face.

During this water-shed, we need to remember that it’s always better to know the truth. Its arrival may not feel pleasant, but it helps us to inhabit the moment, the only place we can truly tap in to the energy of life. When what was hidden is revealed, we can deal with it, and those who would rather know what underlies their lives have been relieved, and glad for this time of truth.

. . . and into Sagittarius
(see also 24 November below)

To make the most of this week, check any uncomfortable or stuck place in your life to see if you are defending an out of date belief, or holding on to an image of yourself that isn’t true. Often our self-images are smaller than the reality, coming as they do from our past. We have heard that it is our greatness that we fear, and Sagittarius is about opportunities for growth, so we may need courage to ‘go for it’ during the coming year. As we realise what has been false in our thinking, and accept the truths about ourselves and our lives, what seemed impossible becomes what we plan to do next, because we are freer and bigger than we realised. Without the changes we have been going through, these next opportunities would not be available to us.

Let go – and grow

I am finding that lots of old scenes from my life have been rising into my mind. They make me wince and wish I had done things differently, but wishing is a way of avoiding the emotions I still have about the events. To be in tune with this time, I need to accept the events and my behaviour at the time - that it was what it was. When I do that, I feel the painful emotions – shame, embarrassment, regret, remorse – for only a moment. And then I notice that I feel far better when accepting the past, than wishing I could change it. I feel more grounded and secure in myself, more confident of the future.

Suppose you finally realise that you don’t enjoy the work that pays you the most money - instead of just sabotaging your work, you can choose to take steps towards doing what you would prefer. Suppose you finally realise that your major relationship isn’t going to work, given who you both are - rather than fighting like two trapped animals, you can choose to work out a way of living that suits you both, and even become good friends. Suppose you discover that a discomfort you had has become a serious health condition – rather than trying to carry on regardless, you can choose to make the relevant changes in your lifestyle and improve the quality of your experience.


The ripple of energy from Scorpio to Sagittarius

I’m looking at these three weeks as presenting us with a ripple effect, as the different planetary energies translate the Sagittarian light into our lives. (An inspiring film for this time is called ‘The Secret’ – http://thesecret.tv/ – the information in it you can read anywhere, but the 90-minute film itself delivers this energy precisely and wonderfully as you watch.) The following looks like a series of steps leading to a lighter place than we’ve felt for several months:

17 November

Venus into Sagittarius – our relationships may well be sorting themselves out already, with a sense of commitment to the new ways as she enters Capricorn on 11 December.

18 November

Mercury in Scorpio from retrograde to direct – easier to communicate what matters most.

20 November

New Moon conjunct Jupiter, and also Uranus goes direct – easier to let go of how life has been, and embrace the new, whatever it brings.

21 November

Moon goes into Sagittarius for two days – kick-start to a lighter mood?

22 November

Sun goes into Sagittarius for a month – accepting that all is not darkness and disaster! And at the same time Mercury briefly trines Uranus – the sense of changing direction in thought and communication, possibly an inspirational day.

24 November

Jupiter himself goes into his own sign for a year – the atmosphere we’ve been struggling through changes, as though the sun was rising. It may show subtly at first, like a misty dawn, but I think the coming year will be easier and more light-hearted than the year we’ve just experienced, the view widening out, full of opportunities to plan for future growth. In his own sign, Jupiter’s expansive energy is most exuberant and fiery, encompassing new ideas and beliefs, and a sense that anything is possible ahead. This could feel unstable for those who prefer more predictable times. And we all need a measure of caution before leaping into new things - unbridled growth can over-reach itself!

6 December

Saturn’s movement in Leo becomes retrograde – can we hope for some world wisdom, I wonder? Perhaps there will be a slowing down, re-thinking, and even withdrawal from hard-headed situations – bearing in mind we have to do it within ourselves if we want it done ‘out there’ :-) At the same time, Mars enters Sagittarius until 17 January – our interactions could be less heavy and serious, and more open to new ways of doing things, a fleet of possible actions becoming both attractive and available.

8 December

Mercury goes through Sagittarius until 27 December – you could say that we would be happier and excited anyway as we move towards a festive season, but it doesn’t always feel like that – this year I think it will

A comment about relating with those we love:

In the New Moon chart Venus in Sagittarius is connecting well with Chiron, but at odds with Uranus in Pisces – many solutions are possible at this time to any difficulties we may be experiencing, and they can be healing for everyone. It is good to incorporate personal space, but separating completely at this time looks painful here. Compassion is necessary for emotional reactions stemming from the past, if those we love are not to be hurt more than necessary – and it might be a good idea not to burn bridges too fast.

Meditation for this New Moon, with Jupiter, in Scorpio
Settle within yourself deeply,
falling into the arms of your spirit
and breathe exquisitely for a while.
Imagine a light in the area of your heart
and let the light grow brighter.
Hold the image of that light in your mind
and then hold your friends and family in that Light.
Let your heart be filled with the love of the great Heart of Life
and bless every one and every thing,
including war zones, both personal and international.
Expand until the whole world is safe in your heart,
while breathing love into your own life.
Bless your everyday self and
receive the blessing.